"You had a bay day"

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Chara p.o.V.
I saw red and blue blinding lights. Did she...? If this woman called the cops... And oh F*cking joy! I was right! She called the police, about a kidnapping or a missing child.
"The police are outside" frisk said.
"No duh, smarta**" I said back, with a lot of sarcasm in my voice. He must of got the message.
"Open the door child! Or we'll have to come in" a woman said calmly, and loudly. I grabbed my trident and opened the door. I walked out and stood there. They stared at the giant knife in my hand. Getting a closer look at it, my knife is like undyne spear, but it has a handle in the middle, and a long, sharp blade on each end, it's a bit taller than me. I held my knife in one hand and opened the other outward. Fire appeared in it. Yes, I can use fire magic. They backed up a bit, afraid from the magic.
"Christy! Stop this nonsense and come home!" My mother yelled.
"My home is HERE! Away from you! With him!" I grabbed frisk and pulled him outside.
"My boyfriend! Him!" I yelled. Wait, boyfriend?! Oh well. I'll explain to him later. I looked over at him, he was just smiling. Weird... "Boyfriend?! You're too young to have a boyfriend! How old is he?! Who are his parents?! That's besides the point, get your a** over here and come home!" That witch yelled.
"Ms. Armin, please come over here, and drop the weapons" the same woman from before said.
"Leave me be!" I yelled. They aimed at me.
"Ready, aim..." A man said. I moved Frisk behind me. I started swinging the knife in a circular motion, till it was only a blur.
"Stop, I must ask you, to stop, you are a queen, this is not ladylike." The woman said. I kept spinning it, knowing they'll shoot soon.
"Fire!" The man said, and all you could hear was gunshots, and bullets ricocheting. After the last bullet, I slowed down to a stop. I held my hand towards them, a fire ball appearing. I threw it. It flew past them, not going near any of them. They could feel the heat cus they just froze, all of them.
"Why not we make a deal? Your mother lives with you two, as your caretaker?" The nice woman said, trying to reason.
"My caretaker died years ago, this woman is just the witch I was birthed from" I said, clearly and loudly.
"Please Ms, as your caretaker, till you are 18. Only 18 Ms. Armin. It will be a short time. Please child, you are young, live these few years with little responsibility. Please my child." She said, she sounded, exactly like Toriel, my mother, the deceased queen. I started to cry, no, sob. My mother, the only I could ever ask for, dead, dead to the hands or claws of her own subjects. I was standing there, my grip on the knife loosening. The fire I had ready, disappearing from my hand. The woman started getting closer. She started rubbing my shoulder, tenderly.
"Fine, she can stay, but if she interferes with any paper work, I will not take it lightly." I said, still crying lightly. She nodded and informed my mother of the plan. She walked over to me and stood in front me.
"I shall call you Christy, not that idiotic name you have given yourself." She said. Idiotic? Idiotic?! IDIOTIC?!
"My MOTHER gave me this name! The mother who cared, the mother who loved, the mother who wanted good for me! The mother you couldn't, can't, and won't be able to be! EVER!" I yelled and stormed inside the house. "There is a guest room that you may use for these few years, after these years, you will be moved out, Ms. Armin" I said while sitting on the couch. Frisk walked in, picked up flowey, and sat next to me. He put his arm around me. Wait, what is he doing? He rested his hand on my breast. He squeezed a bit. I slapped him straight across the face as soon as I felt the pressure!
"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled!
"I-I-I'm sorry, I got carried away. Pl-please don't kill me." He pleaded. I thought about my options. Recurve affection from a boy and give back the same affection. Or live my life alone, hating everyone. The second one sounds good but I'll try the first one.
"It's... Fine. Just don't do anything like that again." I said calmly. Now that I look closely, he had a red hand mark on his face. The flower was laughing his petals off. Frisk looked at the flower then remembered something.
"I'm taking Flowey to the lab back underground tomorrow. Alphys and sans are coming along." Frisk said.
"Sansy..." I said with a sigh, daydreaming.

Once my family died, I swore to get everyone free, I was the last of the royal family. I was their hope. Another child fell. Sans, my boyfriend at the time, wanted me to let the human live. Sans was fourteen, I was ten. He knew I had lost my family, so he finally agreed to be my boyfriend. I watched the human through Alphys' cameras, she set them up in the ruins too somehow. They got into fights, instead of sparing, I saw fighting. They killed a few. I was devastated. I ran all the way to the snowdin forest. They opened the door and saw me. They were taller than me, and older. They looked down.
"Are you trapped down here? Help me, we can get out together" they said. I stayed quiet. We then entered a fight. The knife was way bigger than me at the time so I used Undyne's spear for the time being. I broke the mercy, and after ten turns, ten long turns. They, the second human to fall, died to my hand. I grabbed their soul in a container, and walked home, my head down. Once sans saw the soul, the soul I had taken. He scolded me for what I had done. He broke up with me and lived in snowdin. I wished I could stop, I wished only one was enough, I couldn't, and one wasn't enough.

"I-I mean, be back soon." I said with a sigh.
"Hey, Chara, are you okay, you seem down" the weed asked.
"Fine, Flowey" I responded, a bit agitated.

(A/N: 1091 words! I did something big since I left y'all for so long (It was a week keki, calm down) hope this enough to forgive me)

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