Chapter 17

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"So much I'd...give up everything if you'd ask me to."

I raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't ever ask you to do that, Haz."

"Even so," He replied, "Anyway, I need to go work my shift tonight, I'll text you later?"

"I'll be waiting."


I chewed my pencil in thought as I tried to think about the answer of a question in a textbook I had. It was a matter of seconds before the answer formulated in my head and I quickly wrote it down, knowing it was right.

Today was a pretty glum day. The skies were grey and it had been previously raining a few days ago, which prolonged to this morning. I quite liked this weather, it made me feel all warm and nice inside. Especially if I had a nice blanket and a warm cup of tea on my hands. Which definitely was the case right now.

I had a test first thing on Monday morning and, annoying enough, that meant spending my free time studying. I hardly had time to visit Harry at work or even go for some dinner at his flat. He did come over a couple of days ago but I had an early class next morning and he left a bit too early for my liking.

For the rest of the week, we heavily relied on texting and calling. It did get irritating sometimes, but it would all be worth it whenever we saw each other and embraced our bodies in a warm, inviting hug.

Anyway, it was nearing the afternoon and I was almost done with studying. I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be, even though I had my warmest blanket wrapped around me, so I decided to ask Harry is he wanted to come over. His shifts were irregular and unpredictable, so I never knew what to expect.

Harry: Soz, I got called into work today x

I sighed as I read out the message but figured there was no point in being upset about it. After all, he really had no choice.

Louis: Alright, text me when you can x

I dropped my phone beside me and leaned back on my chair. I was in the type of mood that I was craving some Harry cuddles, so being all alone right now was the last thing I wanted.

I decided that I had enough studying for the day and got up, still with my blanket wrapped around me, and checked to see if Liam was home to entertain me. I left my room and I saw him sitting on the couch, tying his shoes.

"Where are you going?" I mumbled, dropping my body next to him.

"I was going to the mall to buy a birthday gift for a friend of mine," He explained, "But I guess I'm not going alone after all."

"Howcome?" I asked, propping my head on a cushion.

"You've been stuck here all day and you look quite glum, so you're coming with me." He said, more like it was an order, "I need your opinion on the present anyway."

"Thanks, Liam," I muttered sarcastically, "Who's it for anyway?"

"Sofia, I've told you about her." He said.

"Fine," I grumbled, "At least let me get some clothes on."

"Take your time, Tommo," He smiled, "But hurry, I don't know when the stores close."

Shape Of YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora