Chapter 24

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"To be honest, I would just tell him to fuck off. I barely know the bloke and he's starting to piss me off too, y'know?" Liam replied. I nodded and took in what he said. In a way, he was completely right. I couldn't- and didn't- want to have Zayn bug me every chance he got. I was tired of all this and I just wanted him to leave me be.

"I know," I said, "And you're right. That's exactly what I'm gonna do."


Louis's POV

Two days have past and there hasn't been a sign of Zayn. Right after my talk with Liam, I texted Zayn exactly what my roommate told me to do. I told him I was over this mess and I couldn't find it in me to trust him. It was a bold move on my side but Liam, and especially Harry, was really proud of me. I never really had much of a backbone so even I am quite proud that I stood up for myself.

I haven't even seen the black haired bloke in Uni. I decided not to go out of my way to avoid him but I suppose he's the one doing that now. I haven't even spotted him in class actually. Not that I care, of course. It almost seemed too good to be true, but I didn't want to think about it just so I wouldn't jinx it for myself. I had better things to worry about anyways.

For one, Harry was playing a concert today at Niall's uncles' bar. When Harry told me about this, I felt like I was more excited about it than he was. I couldn't help but feel guilty about it either. I mean, it was technically my fault Harry wasn't a famous rock star but then again, even if we weren't dating, being asked to step right back into the closet just for recognition wasn't something I pictured Harry doing.

So even if Harry really wasn't in the mood to play a show tonight, he did anyways and I was there with Liam and Niall to support him. We were sitting on the stools in front of the bar and Niall kept mocking me about drooling all over my drink. It wasn't my fault Harry looked like  a God every time he performed, even despite how down he was. Any outsider wouldn't even notice his change of moods. He was still rather energetic and was able to hype the audience up, but I noticed the way he'd slump his shoulders and avoid any eye contact with anyone.

"He'll get over it, Lou," Niall woke me up from my thoughts, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking about, "He's a strong guy, it won't take long until he gets another opportunity."

I sighed, "I really hope so, Niall. He definitely deserves it."

A couple of songs later, Harry's gig was over and the bar was ringing loud with cheers and clapping. I smiled sadly as I watched the man I love join his hands in a prayer and thank the crowd, a typical move of his. When the clapping jeered down and the crowd dispersed, I walked over to the little built in stage where Harry was packing his guitar away.

"Need any help, love?" I spoke from behind him. Harry turned around and smiled when he saw it was me.

"Nah, I'm already packed," He replied, "I'm kind of beat from playing so I think I'm just gonna head home in a bit."

I frowned, "You don't want to hang around? Niall and Liam are at the bar right now..."

"I think I'll pass tonight," He said after pondering shortly, "You're welcome to come with me, if you want."

I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around Harry's neck, leaning in for a peck on his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his body.

"I love you," I reminded him after I gently pulled away. Instead of replying, Harry simply smiled at me and hugged me with as much love as he could. Being wrapped around him in an embrace made my chest tighten and all I wanted to do was be there for him, "How about we watch a movie and cuddle back at your flat? I can make you some tea if you'd like."

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