Chapter 23

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"I love you, Lou," I said, "So fucking much."

Louis' body turned to me and cuddled into my sweaty chest, not that he minded. His arm wrapped around my torso and I hugged his body closer to mine.

"I love you too, Harry," He replied, and in that moment, with as much energy as I had left, I kissed Louis and wondered how the bloody hell did I get so lucky.


Harry's POV

A couple of days later and I was back at the bar cleaning up the mess from last night. It was ridiculous the amount of puke I had to clean up, especially when it wasn't even in the bathroom.

The disgusting stench was filling up my nostrils as I mopped the dance floor and I suddenly regretted filling in for Tyler's spot. That little fucker had something, or someone, come up and now I had to do the cleaning. I scrunched my face as I mopped away and I was so desperate to get this over with that I didn't even notice Niall in front of me until he clicked his fingers in front of my face.

"Jesus, Harry," Niall chuckled, "I didn't know cleaning up puke would need that much concentration."

I rolled my eyes, "Piss off, Ni. I'm just trying to get this over with. The smell is killing me."

"Which is one of the reasons I always pass  on cleaning up around here," He smirked, "Thank God our boss only trusts me around the bar."

"For God knows what reason," I muttered, which earnt me a playful glare, "Is there something you need, Nialler?"

"More like something you need," He smiled.

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is," He dragged out, "My uncles' bar has an open night for musicians to play a gig or something and to get to my point, his gig for tomorrow got cancelled and now he has an opening."

I raised my eyebrow, "And...?"

"And, I told my uncle you were into playing in front of crowds and he got super excited. Do you wanna go play?"

I mentally rolled my eyes. These past few days had been like a punch to the gut that only Louis had been able to ease. I've been too down to even think about grabbing my guitar and belt out a tune but then again, I had to keep taking every single opportunity I got handed to me. It was tough to be an aspiring musician these days and I couldn't let anything go to waste no matter how I felt.

"Sure," I replied half-heartedly, "I'd love to."

Niall grinned for ear to ear, "Thanks, mate! I knew I could count on you! I'll go ahead and let my uncle know, you're a true life saver!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at my blond friend, who quickly ran off outside to call his uncle. In all honesty, I'd rather spend the night at home with Louis and if Niall wasn't a close friend of mine, I probably would've ditched him and spent the night all cuddled up with Lou on my couch.

Anyways, I was almost done with cleaning up the floors when someone stepped in front of me. I looked up, thinking it was Niall, and it turned out to be that annoying new employee I had to train. He had on a ridiculous smirk on his face and a flirty look in his eyes that was quite annoying, in all honesty.

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