Chapter 20

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In a second, Zayn's lips were on mine and no matter how soft and expert they were, it felt wrong. Kissing him felt like kissing a sibling, and with as much strength as I could, I pushed Zayn away from me and ran the hell out of there as fast as I could. I couldn't even force myself to stay in the awfully stanching room with someone who practically forced himself upon me. I didn't know what to think, so I just focused on running.

When I got home, I was glad Liam wasn't there because the last thing I wanted to do was explain to him why the hell was I crying and I didn't want to think about everything that happened today.


My life felt like a mess right now. I was on day three of ignoring my boyfriend and a supposed close friend of mine. The only one that really had my back right now was Liam, but I was keeping very tight lipped about this whole situation. The truth is, I didn't even want to accept it myself of what had happened. I knew me and Harry argued quite a bit, but what couples didn't? I still cared for him, more than I have ever cared about anyone and I didn't want to lose him.

On the other hand, Zayn was a different story. I spent so much time ignoring his flirting and even dismissing it, that I couldn't get over our kiss. Not that I liked it, because I didn't, but I couldn't imagine why in the world he did that. Yes, he probably fancied me, but could I be friends with someone who so easily kissed someone in a relationship? He was generally such a nice person so I was really conflicted as to if I should just talk to him or pretend I never even bumped into him. Harry would love the latter, but at the end of the day, Zayn was my friend and Harry had no right in telling me who I should be friends with.

So Uni today was a little different than the rest. I purposely arrived late to the classes I shared with Zayn just so that I'd strategically find a spot that wasn't near him. I felt his eyed gaze upon me every time I walked into class, apologizing profusely about traffic that never even happened, mostly because I walk from my house to Uni. Not that these professors even cared, if I'm honest.

Zayn tried to approach me a couple of times, but he soon gave up when he noticed that I'd give out a stupid excuse or simply avoid the living day of him. I barely even had enough time to think things over, I was scared I'd say something that wasn't what I actually wanted. Simply because I didn't know what I wanted.

As my day was finally over, I made a point of quickly packing my things up and scrambling out of the classroom before anyone else did. The hallways got a tad bit crowded around this time and if I got a head start, Zayn wouldn't be able to easily spot me. It helps that I'm not as tall as I wanted to be, I blend easier in crowds.

I was quickly rushing past the hallways and outside to the courtyards. When I was out, I let out a breath, knowing that I probably lost Zayn along the way. Either way, I still had to walk home and I was pretty knackered from class today so I could really go for a nap, if I'm honest.

But my plans for a twenty minute sleep were put in a halt when I saw Harry from afar, leaning against his car. When his gaze caught mine, he waved at me and for a second I was frozen on my spot. Seeing his face right night was giving me mixed feelings but the longer I stayed on the spot, the quicker I realized I couldn't avoid him any longer. I needed to man up and face him.

"I, um," He started when I slowly paced up to him, "Hey, Louis. I know you probably weren't expecting me to show up here, but I can't spend another day knowing that you're upset with me. I really want to fix things with you because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't want to lose you. Can we...can we talk this over in my flat? I'd rather a little more privacy..."

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