Chapter 21

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Plenty of gasps and moans later, Harry came in my mouth and like a good boyfriend, I swallowed it all. I couldn't get over the sweet and salty taste on my mouth, and so I licked Harry clean.

"Fuck, Lou," Harry breathed out, "You're the best fucking thing in my life."


Louis' POV

"I don't want to leave this bed," I groaned into Harry's chest. Harry laughed at me through his morning raspy voice and pleced a sweet kiss on the top of my head.

"I don't want you to leave either, love," He replied. His arms wrapped themselves tighter around my body, practically crushing me into his chest, but I didn't mind it one bit. Being close to Harry was a safe haven for me and I deeply cherished every second we had for each other. It sucked that we didn't see each other as much as we wanted to, but it was better to enjoy while it lasted rather than be complaining in his arms.

"Ugh, I don't want to see Zayn today," I groaned, "Please, let me stay in your bed, Hazza! I'll suck you off again!"

"As much as I'd like that to happen," He chuckled, "You've got a diploma to earn. I can't let you miss your classes just for a cuddle."

"But I'm sick!" I pretended to sneeze, but apparently I wasn't that good of an actor because Harry raised an eyebrow at me and removed his arms from around me, "Aw, c'mon, Harry."

"Nope," He said, "You've got college and I've got work. I can drive you if you want."

I fell back on top of Harry's God-sent mattress, "Do I really have to, mum?"

Suddenly, I felt a pillow hit my stomach and I jumped in surprise. I glared at the culprit and flet like smacking Harry's smirk off with my own pillow.

"Yes, you do," He responded, "Now, do you want to join me in the shower?"

And that's how you get me out of bed, "Only if you wash my hair."

Harry kissed my cheek, "Anything for you, love."


Even after I managed to convince Harry to stop by Costa for a coffee, my will to go to Uni today was next to nothing. Not only was I really exhausted from last night, but I wasn't in the mood to come across anyone I didn't know how to feel about anymore. As much as Harry was pissed off at Zayn, I knew he got a sense of satisfaction for knowing he was right all along, and luckily he wasn't rubbing it into my face like a prick would.

"I'll see you later, babe?" Harry kissed my cheek when he dropped me off at Uni.

I sighed, "Can't you just take me with you to work? I promise I'll be quiet!"

Harry laughed and ruffled my already messy feathery hair, "If it makes you feel any better, love, I'd much rather stay in bed with you than leave you here and go to that meeting."

"Then turn this car around and take us back to your flat!" I said as if it was the best idea ever, which in my opinion, was.

"You're funny, Lou," Harry sweetly said, "Now, get off and go to class. Call or text me if you need anything."

"Fine," I grumbled, "I'm not gonna kiss you goodbye then."

Harry shrugged, "I'll kiss you when I go over for dinner."

"Whatever," I muttered. I opened the car door and stepped outside. I turned around to see Harry sending me kisses but I just fake pouted and closed the door behind me.

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