The concerttt ★

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authors note-

so basicallyguys im a loner now and no1 likes me in skl so swag for me. I dont kniw what to do with myself so I will try my best to stop crying and self harming all the time to write this fanfic cause I want  to get this fanfic  popular cause Im such a poner and the storyline took ages so yaha

ly guys to starbucks and back

sopha xxxxx

sophias p.o.v

Tonight was the night I would see him again. I couldnt wait to see his curly brown hair flip and his emerald green eyes. I chose to wear my one direction t-shirt and a pair of dark blue washed out skinny jeans. My make-up was simplistic just some foundation, mascara, lip gloss, eyeliner and eyeshadow. I was going by myself but I didnt really mind and with my self sorted out Vlad dropped me to the arena and there I was.

"woah!" I muttered to myself so no one apart from me could hear. I walked into the arena and the smells of the restaraunts was amazing. I gave them my tickets only to be met by tonnes of fangirls screaming. I needed the toilet so I walked down thus random alleyway and see if there was one down there. As I walked I felt someone bash into me I looked uo and saw Harry.

Harrys p.o.v

As I walked to the toilet I bashed into the girl of my dreams Sophia....

"Sophia!!!!" I screamed hugging her so tightly I tjoughr I might suffocate her. I was so happy she turned up though.

"Harry!!!I missed you" she pecked me on the cheek. Wow I wasnt expecting her to kiss me after I bashed into her.

"I missed you to. I am so happy you came" I said blushing.

"I would not have missed it for the world. It was always my dream to meet you and go to your concerts!" she said looking down at the floor biting her lip.

"Oh really I never knew, well just for the record your the least fangirlish fan of mine I have ever met and the prettiest, I have to admit you are quite fit sophia" did I just say fit? Oh harry you dickhead.

"oh why thank you Harry" she said. "Oh and Harry do you know where the toilet is?" she asked looking behind me if there was one there.

"yeah I do I was going there actually" I said. See we even go to the same places.

"oh can you show me?" she asked.

"of course I can!" I led her to the toilet and then I was called so I had to leave and go to the stage.

Sophias p.o.v

I am not sure if Harry likes me he always compliments me but what if just wants to be friends and what about Niall?

As I walked uo to the stage Harry pointed at me and mouthed for me to come up

I froze. what now?

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