Seems nice

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(Coney Island boardwalk, Mama Sheila, AJ, Brittny's house, and Brittny & Nia's grandmother in the m/m.)


"Which one?" the big hardy carnival worker asked me.

"Pink, please!" I cheesed as he handed me a big, fluffy, pink giraffe. One of the three that August won me tonight. When I threatened him to win me a teddy bear, he wasn't playing no games.

"Here ya go." he handed me my stuffed animal with a smile. I look to my left and I see August standing there with another grinny smile on his face. The third one tonight since it was his third time winning. I guess he won our bet. Since he showed me that he's so good at these little carnival games, I challenged him. If he won this last game, I'd give him a kiss. I didn't think he'd get so lucky.

"Where's my kiss?" he cheesed.

"I think you cheated, so no kiss for you." I joked. I wasn't gonna easily give up my lips.

"Oh, so now I'm a cheater?" he chuckled. "Maybe I really got skills you ain't know 'bout?" he tried to defend himself.

Goading him, I just smirked. "Don't care. Still think you cheated." we shared a laugh.

Since we arrived to Coney Island pretty late, we only had enough time to play a few games and whatnot before closing. It's the middle of May so there's no rides open at this time of the year. But the few arcade games and boardwalk didn't fail to keep our date fun. Date, huh? Wow, that really sounds weird coming from me since it's been a while that any guy has been generous and kindly enough to take me out on one.

"You hungry?" he asked me, we began walking.

"Eh, I guess I could eat." I twisted my lips. Once again a smile came across his face. A few chuckles slipping out.

"What's so funny?" I managed to playfully punch him in his shoulder regardless of the many stuffed animals I was holding.

"That face you made. It was cute." He licked his lips. I'd be lying if I said I didn't blush. I'm not the type to feel like putty around a guy and the fact that August just now accomplished that, I won't give him the satisfaction. I quickly looked down at my feet trying to hide my girly-ness.

"I know you blushing. Don't even try to hide it, girl." his hand slipped around my waist.

"Cocky much?" I flirted back. Chuckling since my arms occupied by stuffed animals brought him to a slight halt while attempting to unite our bodies.

"Nah, I just know when I'm doing something right." His low lust filled eyes never failed to arouse me at almost any second. Now I see why Brittny was so infatuated with him. He's a heartthrob.

"Well, if you don't feed me now, you're gonna know when you're doing something wrong." I stated.

Of course, I wasn't gonna let no man get the best of me without me playing around with him first. Just not my game. I broke away from his hold and walked ahead of him, making sure to swish my hips a bit while I walked.

I know he wants me, but it's astounding that I want him too.

• • •

"I'm surprised not a lot of people spotted you. You are August Alsina. I expected at least a few more hoes on your dick tonight." I stuffed my mouth with funnel cake as we walked on the not-so busy boardwalk.

Crazy how only 3 people spotted August. All three men. I was expecting a lot of people to be on this guy, some hiding-in-the-bushes-from-the-crazy-fans type of shit. But when the three guys did see him, there was so much love and respect that they threw at him. How his music influenced them and whatnot. I need to check into some of August's music because from the looks of it, it's probably some good shit.

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