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"Chris!" I chuckled as we rolled around on my bed just enjoying each others company. "And be quiet. You know my mom kicking both of us the fuck outta here if she hear us."

He sucked his teeth. "I ain't even worried bout her..." He went back to his previous position of pinning me down with our faces within kissing distance. His minty breaths with every exhale sent a cool breeze brushing against my lips.

"Well, you better. Me and her just got back on good terms and another war with her is not needed."

"I'll be quiet then. You the one that don't know how to keep it down."

"And what does that mean?" I winced.

"You know exactly what I mean and don't try to act like you don't."

"I don't."

"There you go. Frontin' again."

Chris laid back on my bed in a cocky gesture, resting his head on one arm and being sure to flex his biceps as my eyes roamed his torso. He was a sight. Sculpted almost perfectly, it wasn't hard for him to put hardly any effort into tightening up my insides. I became glad with myself that I landed one like him.

That talk with Brittny brought me to the realization that I am worthy of someone good. I am worthy to expand my horizons with someone who is as ambitious as me. And Chris holds almost all the qualities that I need. He's in school rather than on the streets looking for fast money, unlike the typical Bronx native. Another pro about Chris, he doesn't limit himself from further challenging his own knowledge. He'd rather spend the night reading a novel by William Faulkner or taking apart his laptop and assembling it back than hang with his boys.

However, he's not the cliché, isolated, flimsy bookworm who I just so happened to fall for because he possess godly looks and charm like in the corny books and movies. He carries this hood-ish façade that never fails to make me smile, and I actually met him at one of his boxing tournaments. I was a sucker for a guy who engagaed in the combat sport. A friend introduced me to him then things clicked from there.

I smirked, "I don't get what you trying to say, but if you mean what I think you mean, you can snap back into reality, boy. I ain't never been over the top during intimacy. Especially not in my mom's house."

He shrugged. "Whatever you say. I know damn well my ass ain't the reason we always getting caught."

"Whatever. It's probably your loud ass feet. I could smell them from down the hall."

"Don't try to play me, Ash." A smile grazed his face as he chucked a pillow my way. "But I should be heading out soon. I got classes at 9 tomorrow."

"But you just got here?" I whined and cuddled my face into his neck.

"I know, but it's already going on 12. Unless you wanna come over to my place tonight?"

"I do, but I gotta be somewhere with my mom in the morning. Can't you stay a little longer?"

"Babe, I can't."

My face remained pouted.

"How about tomorrow I take you somewhere when you get back?" He suggested.

"We'll be out all day. The church is having this little charity fair and my mom volunteered to help out. Then afterwards, the church members are having a meeting and my mom don't trust me coming back and being in the house by myself."

"What if I came to the church after class, give a donation, and see if I could help out too?" He willingly sat up as I side-eyed him.

"If this is your way of trying to score pointers with my mom, nice try, baby, but it ain't happening." I pecked his lips.

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