The Plan

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Vespasian POV

Vespasian didn’t hear or see the commotion outside the space he was in. Despite the tramping of guards beyond the room walls, his eyes were fixated on the figure in the bed before him. Not long ago his eyes had adjusted acutely to the darkness around him, so he saw slightly better the shapes and forms before him. What he saw now made his heart pace faster than any alert brought on by the chance of detection. The sleeping figure rolled over, revealing itself in the form of a beautiful young woman, with an impeccable form from the limited view seen by Vespasian. For a moment his relentless thoughts failed as he stood looking at this sleeping beauty. He thought he had climbed through the window of a room belonging to a goddess, but at once his pragmatic mind flooded back and the wheels began to tick.

He quick strode over to the door leading into the rest of the castle and placed his cheek to the door. He could hear faint sounds outside but nothing that indicated detection or danger was near. Holding his breath, he turned the lock on the inside of the girl’s door and locked it. Taking a few steps back and waiting for any noise that he had been detected, he turned to face the prize he had stumbled in upon. He would present her back to the other members of his group and show them the limitless bounty they could acquire. And it pleased him that all they would be able to do is just stare and envy his success. He walked over to the side of the bed, armor clinking with every step he took, and he stared down at the girl, scheming in his mind the worst way to awaken her.

He drew his sword and traced the curve of her body with the tip, just inches from her body, before he brought it to her face. First he gave her a light poke on the shoulder a few times, just to stir her mind to conscience. He watched as she went through the motions and when he was sure she was awake and eyes open, he quickly brought the flat of his sword underneath her chin and lifted it slightly, allowing the tip to dug in slightly into her flesh. With a smirk, he looked her right in the eyes, not caring if her vision was clear or not, “Now, let’s not start any ruckus or screaming or I shall gut you full of more holes than your grandmother’s stockings. Now get up out of the bed and put your hands where I can see them. You’re going to get dressed and then you and me are going on a little flight.” He kept the sword firmly against her neck, drawing a small prick of blood and determined to make her feel entirely helpless.

Celestica POV

Feeling the light pokes from the tip of his sword, she still however didn't seem to wake. But the pokes still managed to disturbed her from her sleep, and caused her to forward her eyebrows at the such touch which did caused her body to slowly move in motion. The touch for sure still disturbed her and the reaction of her body motions was slowly waking her from her deep sleep, making her have one of those "angry" faces. Once the pokes was gone and away from her body, her mind began to lose out and slowly made her dreams faded to darkness as it struggled its way to reality. Now with her dreams gone and body moving in uncomfortable motions, Celestia's eyes then shot up and was now brought back to reality.

Struggling she risen herself up and for now laid on her elbow, since she was to lazy to sit up and her back was aching in pain. Just as soon as she was about to blink an eye to get her vision more clear, a quick jump from her body reacted in fright as she felt a cold flat surface, up against her neck, pressing against the warmness of her chin. Though without even having a clue what was going on, she then felt the sharp weapon lift her chin up a bit and felt the sharp tipy point go into her skin, but hardly went in. Quickly shutting her eyes and thinking this as a nightmare, the young princess was really frighten and wished there was something she could do to end it. Seconds later, her body began to boil in fear and felt the pressure of it which was either going to fight back or scream. Until suddenly, a voice then spoken out.

Listening to the voice as he spoke, Celestia guessed he was behind this and was probably planning of killing or torture her if she even dare made sound for help. But it still made her wondered who was this person and why was he doing this. Slowly reopening her eyes again and forcing herself to bite her lips, holding her back from screaming for help, and looked down with the corners of her eyes and was now gazing at the man who just spoken. Looking into his eyes, she only saw pure evil in them and thought him as a bad person and quietly reflected his words when mention what would happened to her, or could happened...

Suddenly feeling a stinging pain coming from underneath her chin, she again felt the weapon dig slightly deeper into her chin as a cut was form and small drips on blood was coming out, leaving her unaware. She then gasped more in fright. "Okay, I'll do whatever you ask me to do...but please...don't hurt me." she lowly pleaded to him, as her hands reached over for the sword and pushed it away from her body or anywhere near her neck. Without another word, the young princess got up from the bed, like she was told, but besides for the expectation of putting her hands where he could see them. Instead she passed one of her free hands over to her neck and began to trace her fingers over where the sword was laid on. Then, pulled them away from her chin and held it in front of her face, noticing the small blood that was left on...And man, how did it stung like hell. Her eyes then gazed back at the man with the sword and said, "How thoughtful of you to hold a sword near my chin,nearly slicing my head off."

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