Part 2

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Sitting off guard as she didn't realize Vespasian grabbed an grape from the fruit tray and threw at her, she didn't flinch at first but it did sent her a warning. She sat up more, beginning to look around. "Uh, you can say that" She answered passing her hand through her light brown hair, before the apple was then tossed. "Ow!" Her raised voice raised to an dramatic incident, as she passed her hand to her hand and began to rub where the apple hit her. Her eyes soon trailing down where the slice of apple landed and picking it up to examine it, she then dropped it back on the thick covers and turn over to Vespasian who was now acting like a damn fool. Her eyes now trailing off of him and to the goblet that laid fine riches and other king's natural designs which was only a few inches away, she knew something was up and knew he wanted her to get of out the bed, naked: He should already know she wasn't going to get up. So, why would she get up and stand naked in front of him? - She might as well wait for later...when he's sleeping...Hopefully he goes to sleep soon.

As time passed and Vespasian still continued to throw little pieces of fruit, Celestia on other hand didn't complain. As her hands passed over to her face a thousands time, she continued to rub where the fruit hit her on the face. But not realizing there was a perfect round tomato in Vespasian's hand and threw it suddenly towards her face without any sign of alert or warning, it of course splatter all over her face, and she screamed but not to loud. Now she was really the garden 'maid'. Still continued to scream as she traveled underneath the thick covers and trying to hide her face from the shame, as she heard Vespasian laughed; it made her even more frustrated at him and disliking she had to be with him. He was truly a disheartened prince. And he found this funny? As the young princess still continued to hide her face from the shame and mostly Vespasian, she was at least happy when the laughing quickly stopped. But, again, heard his voice afterwards. She shook her head afterwards. "Um, I'm not hungry..." Celstia spoke out frighteningly as she quietly scatter her hands around to find a piece cloth or towel to wipe off the tomato, off her face. Then again, if the prince didn't want to sleep 'in a garden' then why did he throw all the fruits at the first place? It wasn't her fault. "I'll eat later...." She then added on a couple seconds later.

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