The Arrival

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Vespasian's POV

“And why would I untie you? You’re not doing any of the riding, either handling the reins or giving encouragement. You just sit there and be a good little girl.” Vespasian said with a smile. Without any more complaint, he seized her by her hips and placed her before the saddled. He then gestured for her to place a foot in the bridle and though her waists were bound, he helped lifted her up onto the back of the horse. He then swiftly climbed on, sitting behind Celestia and having both his arms coming around her body to grab the reins. Their bodies were conjoined then again, and Vespasian could smell the sweet aroma emitting from her beautiful hair. “You must be pretty important if you use such pretty smelling ointment for your hair. I wager you have a little valve for each day of the week eh?” With a mocking laugh he snapped the reins and the horse jerked into a trot. He used his chin to keep her hair clamped down on her head so it didn’t fly up too much and distract his vision, though it did occasionally fly against cheek, and he had to blow it away at various times during the ride to keep it from becoming an annoying itch.

The group of soldiers he had brought with him rode quickly through the rising dawn, in front and all around the Prince and his captive. They first followed a trail through the forest, with Vespasian moving the various twigs and branches out of the way from striking at them, and soon they came to another tree line just a few hours from noon. Before them lay a vast plain and far in the distance on the horizon was the glittering sparkle of the blue sea. They rode again for several hours through the deserted wilds, encountering little signs of life as they entered this remote region, devoid of any civilization. The sun had reached its zenith soon, but the party still didn’t halt. Being a fierce people with nomadic roots and strong horsemanship, the warriors in Vespasian’s party were able to catch brief glimpses of rest as they rode. Vespasian himself was tired, having yawned several times during the journey, but he attempted to stay awake and alert in order to set an example for his men. Just a few more hours and they would reach the coastline.

It was during the afternoon when they finally reached their destination, their horses climbing up a brief ridge to finally overlook the flowing blue and grey waves of the great sea that lay between this land and his own. Moored close to the bay were four massive ships and a great host of men were scurrying about on the shore, going about their own business. All were dressed in the outlandish armor styles of Vespasian’s warriors so they were friendly at appearance. As they men in his party began to ride down the hill towards the makeshift camp on the shore, Vespasian stayed put on the ridge with Celestia before him, letting the implication of the view sink in. “Ever been on one?” He asked suddenly, gesturing to the tall ships in the water. “It’s going to be the vessel of your transformation. By which I mean the ending of your old life and the beginning of your new. Don’t act coy with me on this. You know your nothing more than a slave and a captive, and you’re never going to see your home again most likely. Best make your peace with it and don’t fight it.”

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