Part 2

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Vespasian simply smiled at his captive’s reactions. She obviously didn’t think that he was who he said he was, but knew she had no other choice but to accept it. Boy, she must have been a slow one, for didn’t she see the signs around him? The way his soldiers acted around him, stepping proudly with rigid postures or even the lavish cabin quarters they were in now, for it would be quite foolish to think every ship came equipped with such spaces. “I am certainly not joking. I am he, one and the same. Prince Vespasian Constantine. You might have heard of my exploits. I crushed the kingdom of Osea and fought the savage hordes of Kazani barbarians. I laid waste to cities and rendered entire kingdoms empty of their inhabitants.” His face suddenly went hard and dangerous, his brow furrowed, and his voice took on a more ominous tone, “And I would think twice of talking back to me now. What makes you think I won’t return to your precious little village and burn it to the ground? A little girl like you should know an empire of millions is much more powerful than a kingdom of thousands. So behave yourself like I tell you too or there will be consequences, Celestia Cadwell.”

He sighed then, his face relaxed, and his voice returned to its typical condescending manner. He turned and sat back slowly in his seat, back straight with a hand resting on his thigh, elbow out. His other fiddled with a cutting knife on the table, “Celestia Cadwell.” Vespasian repeated, “Celestia Cadwell. Just that? I could have sworn you were nobility of some kind. Or were you just some serving girl who lived in that castle? But no, you had fine blankets and excellent furniture. Don’t think I didn’t notice. My room back home is much the same. So what was your societal position? Are you planning on keeping that a secret from me as well or shall I beat it out of you? No matter.” He picked up a little grape that was still on his plate and threw it at her in the typical immature manner. He knew there was more to her than what met the eyes. “Now then, Celestia. That is a pretty name if I might add. Anyways, are you going to lay about on the bed all day naked or are you going to put on some clothes?” He asked, tapping the pile of clothing he brought yesterday. It was a simple robe, but better than nothing. “Don’t be ashamed. I’ve already seen you naked and I must say the sight of it is certainly something I’ve never forget. But enough of those matters. Tell me, Celestia, do you read?” Vespasian suddenly asked, changing the topic. He wasn’t only concerned about using her as sex and wanted to know if they at least shared some hobbies. If she read then perhaps she could serve a dual function as his secretary as well.

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