Part 3

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Vespasian listened intently to what Celestia said and when she mentioned she was twenty-three, he let out another chuckle. “Twenty-three and not married at your age? Your nobility of some kind, I can tell by whatever ointments you use to clean your hair, but usually someone of your age is well married by now. I’m sure your personality had something to do with it. But twenty-three...” his hand around her stomach slipped down to between her thighs, running a finger over her dry pussy and thrusting it in quickly before withdrawing, “...and a virgin? I’m surprised.” He kept his hand on her inner thigh, occasionally caressing her soft skin with a thumb. She was obviously beautiful and somewhat intelligent for her social position as a woman. His mind wondered why she hadn’t developed any love interest at her young age where such feelings were the norm. The Knight he slew earlier didn’t share her affections. Could there be something else wrong with her? Or perhaps something he didn’t know. Interrogation would have to follow once he had her in his estate.

He didn’t move the tray nor act to offer food to her again, but soon turn his mind to other matters. She remained sitting on his lap, slightly bouncing due to the twitching movement of his foot underneath the table that caused his leg to rock. Instead he picked up a nearby scroll and unrolled it, humming tunelessly to himself while his eyes read the fine print. Celestia was all but forgotten for the moment, trapped in his powerful embrace and left to her own designs. Vespasian assumed she would continue eating and perhaps drink a little too. Night time was fast approaching and soon he would test what sort of bounty he had acquired.

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