Part 2

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It was true. She haven't ate for entire day. But did it still matter for her to care a dime? Probably not. As Celestia watched Vespasian kick up to his feet and walked right over to the bed where she was laying, she didn't know what was coming for her. With that same smirk pulling across from his lips as his hands grasping and suddenly seizing the blankets from out of her reach, she of course was exposed in front of him once more. How come she didn't see this coming before? She thought he was going to lay besides her. - Guess she was wrong. Her eyes instantly widening at him as she continued to watch him while he stares at her body, not leaving them until a couple seconds later. Celestia was once again embarrass. Her body soon turning off guard as her main focusing was on embarrassment and humiliation that stood exposingly in front of Vespasian, it gave him an opportunity to grab her arms and drag her out of the bed and onto her feet. And then unexpectedly realized she was now currently sitting on his lap and was certainly uncomfortable by the touches she was feeling. A small shiver ran down along her spine, afterwards.

Not even daring herself to at least move forward and pick up another piece of fruit, she instead "insisted" Vespasian "do" the job for her. Eventually he pulled the tray of food closer to them. This time, Celestia didn't watch him as he pulled the tray of food closer to them and picked up a slice of apple and forced it inside her mouth while his other hand laid tightly wrapped her stomach, pressing against his own body. She began to chew the slice of apple quietly to herself. Once the apple was chewed and dissolved in mouth, she swallowed the rest of the chewed up apples before speaking. "No, I'll pass." She said simply not finding that funny at all while he laughed; it was really not that funny to tell the truth. But his hands did hurt like hell to her sides when he slapped it with his laughter. Celestia sighed. "I'm am not a youth. I'm twenty-three for god sake. So, I'm pretty sure what's wine nor liquor..."

Kidnapped and Pregnant with Prince's BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora