Part 4

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I finished four chapters of my book by the time lunch was to be served. I went back into the dining hall to get in line with tray in hand. I slowly walked down the line, grabbing things that looked good and setting them on my tray. I punched in my student number at the end and turned to go back outside to where I was previously. My entire plan for my Saturday was to sit outside and read, I was looking forward to it all week. I went back outside and saw that the guy I saw earlier was now sitting where I was. I debated going to sit somewhere else, but that was my favorite spot because the grass was soft and there was shade. It was also close enough to the lilac bushes so that it smelled sweet.

He looked over to me and nodded his head, as if he was waiting there for me. I checked my surroundings before going over to him.

"Hey." He said looking up at me. Something about him looked really familiar.

"Hi?" I said.

"You can sit here if you want." He said scooting over a bit. I sat down and smoothed out my skirt. I kept staring at his eyes until his face broke out in a smile.

"Man, this is taking a long time." He said with a chuckle.

"What are you...?" I said as my sentence trailed off and the wires finally connected in my brain.

"Ryan?" I asked softly.

"Hey Pomona." He said with a smile. I flung my arms around his neck as he fell back and I landed on top of him. He laughed as I hugged him tight.

"I can't believe you're here!" I said looking down at him.

"I was pissing off another set of parents, so I'm now enrolled."

"You look so different! You have gauges! You're all grown up!!" I said cupping his face with my hands.

"So are you, I actually saw you a few days ago." He said laughing and rolling us so that he was on top.

"I was getting a tour and saw you in the library. I knew right away it was you because of the dumb look on your face you get when you're pulled into a story." He said sticking his tongue out.

"Oh shut up!" I said laughing and hitting his chest lightly. It wasn't until then I realized in our position, our legs entangled and face inches apart, that I was in love with him. Ryan cleared his throat and got up so that I could sit back up.

"Well this place kind of sucks. Just a heads up." I told him while bringing my lunch towards me.

"Yeah I figured. The fact that I have to wear a tie with my uniform is bull shit." He said.

"So wait, tell me everything!" I said to him. He smiled and got comfortable.

"I was adopted, as you know. I don't know, it was really weird at first because I'd been at the home since I was a baby, so I didn't know what parents were like? But they're nice. Fed me, clothed me, encouraged me to participate in family activities. I have a 'brother' who's kind of a dick. He gets good grades and always rats me out whenever I do something my parents don't like."

"Like what?"

"Smoking, sneaking out, stealing, getting into fights, skipping school, not coming home in the morning, stuff like that." Ryan said and shrugged.

"No wonder they sent you here." I said giving him a look.

"What can I say? I'm troubled youth." He replied with a cute smile. "What about you?"

"The home closed down like two years after you left. It was really bad. I was super unhealthy and when I got here, everyone made fun of me for having an eating disorder. Little did they know that it wasn't my choice at all, I love eating." I told him and he gave me a weak smile.

"I've been here for a little more than 3 years now. It's okay. It's clean and I have everything I need here." I said to him.

"You don't seem too happy." He said looking down.

"I am now?" I said with a little laugh. He looked up at me with a big smile. We spent the afternoon walking around while Ryan told me stories of family life.

"You should come home with me for Christmas!" Ryan exclaimed as we were heading to my room.


"Yeah, they do the whole traditional thing. You'd love it. I'll even wear a sweater." He giggled.

"Okay, i'll be there." I laughed. I opened the door and peaked my head in to make sure my roommate wasn't there.

"She's gone." I said as I opened the door wider and let him follow me in. He sat on my bed while I ran around my half of the room showing him everything I owned.

"You have such a fascination with THINGS." Ryan said.

"Well as someone who doesn't have much, it's all I got to cling to." I shrugged.

"Yeah but what about friends? You haven't mentioned any of your friends at all."

"Oh um..." I trailed off. Ryan doesn't need to know that his childhood friend is a loser teenager. He saw me get uncomfortable and quickly wrapped me in a hug.

"I'm finding this very hard to believe." He said as his mouth was pressed against the top of my head.

"Oh you're about to see a whole new freak." I told him.

"Nah. You're a pretty girl with an interesting history. People should be flocking to you." He said. I felt myself blush and was happy my face was against his chest and hidden. The door opened and we both looked to see my roommate come in.

"Whoa this is a first!" She said peering over her sunglasses with a smirk on her face. Ryan and I let go of each other.

"Um, this is Ryan. We were friends back when I used to be in the home." I said.

"Hey Ryan, I'm Penny." She smiled and waved her fingers.

"Nice to meet you." Ryan said back to her.

"I'm sorry, were you two trying to...?" Penny said with a smirk.

"No! We're just hanging out." I said to her with my face flushing.

"Pomona, you're blushing! She never has guys here, or even talks to boys. It's adorable." Penny said to Ryan, treating me like I'm a child.

"Awww!" Ryan said bumping me with his elbow. I was beyond embarrassed at this point.

"Hey, I'm supposed to go double check my classes soon. I'll see you later?" Ryan said to me.

"Yeah of course!" I told him. He waved goodbye to both Penny and I before heading out the door.

"HE'S HOT!" She said a few seconds later. I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously! He's on my man list now. Hope he's not a virgin because I hate doing the work myself." She said taking out her phone and texting away. 

Absent Lovers Things // Ryan RossWhere stories live. Discover now