Part 6

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I went back to my room after watching a movie with Ryan.

It would have been weird

I kept playing over and over in my head.  Maybe he's right, it would be weird.  I mean, we knew each other when we were just kids.  We just spent all our time together and stood up for each other and shared things... that doesn't lead to anything romantic, right?

I'll just have to get over it.  See him the same way he sees me, the bald little girl with a black eye and bloody nose who's hungry for his cheese sandwich.

Penny wasn't there so I was able to read quietly in my room for an hour before she came back.  I didn't have any homework, I usually did that during my lunch or right after school.  It's not like i'd have plans anyway, might as well get it done while it's fresh in my head.  When Penny came back, she got ready for bed and we turned the lights off.


The school week was finally over.  Ryan and I met up for food three times a day, and usually hung out after school to do homework.  Ryan was already starting to make some new friends, I was just too shy to join in.

"You're not getting ready?" Penny said when she came in the room on Friday night.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Okay so usually I would understand you not going to any parties because you're... well you, but since your friend Ryan was going I thought you'd tag along."  She said opening her closet and throwing dresses on her bed.

"I didn't know there was a party..." I said.  Ryan wasn't going to invite me?

"Well, there is.  And i'm going, and i'll take you along." She said.

"Wait, what?" I asked.  She has never invited me to anything and I thought she was making it clear that we weren't friends.

"I said, i'm taking you along. So start getting ready.  What are you going to wear?" She asked.  I looked down at my faded jeans and sweatshirt.

"Oh god, no. You can NOT wear that." She said looking at me up and down.  She grabbed a few dresses and held them up to me and squinted her eyes, turning her head slightly.  She looked like she was using her brain real hard.  She threw a light pink one at me and told me to change.  I stripped down and heard her chuckle.  Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Oh don't look sad! It wasn't a mean laugh.  It was a laugh because you're kind of a babe but you never show off your body." She said to me.  I smiled a bit.

"Really?" I asked hesitantly. 

"I'm actually jealous.  Who'd ever thought that would happen?" She laughed.  That one was a little meaner but I let it slide.  I slipped the dress over my head.  It was tight around my waist, but the skirt hung loose to a few inches above my knees.  Penny sat me down and put some make up on me.  She messed up my hair a bit.

"It's to look like you just had sex.  Guys love that." She said to reassure me.  I wasn't sure if that was true, but she has a lot more experience so I let her take charge.  When she was done with me, she screeched at the time and quickly got ready herself.  We looked in the mirror together.

"I'm an artist." She declared.  I looked beautiful, for the first time in my life.  My eyes looked bigger because of the mascara, and I loved the cherry red lipstick I was wearing.  We quickly left and got picked up by one of Penny's friends.  The house was only a mile away from campus so it took us just a few minutes to get there.  I followed Penny and her friends inside of the house, there were already at least 30 of my fellow students around the house with cups in their hands.  I sipped on the juice that she gave me but kept to myself.  Everyone around me kind of ignored me for the most part, except a couple of guys who would nod their heads and smirk.

1 Cup Later

2 Cups Later

3 Cups Later

I couldn't find Ryan anywhere, but everyone was getting more and more friendly.  I danced with a couple of girls who went to my school, and talked to several different people who I normally wouldn't.  I stumbled upstairs to the bathroom and only had to wait for two people before it was finally my time.  I peed and washed my hands, then looked at myself in the mirror.  I messed my hair up again like Penny did for me earlier.  I opened the door and there was only one person standing outside.  I don't know his name, but I knew he was on the baseball team.

"You look lost, little fruit." He said with a handsome smile.

"Little fruit?" I asked with a giggle.

"Well that's what your name is, right? Pomelo?"

"Pomona." I corrected him.

"Right, i'm sorry. I'm drunk." He said with an innocent shrug.  I laughed at his effort.

"Do you wanna go sit somewhere? Talk?" He asked.  His blue eyes were pulling me in, so I followed him to an empty room.  My heart started to race when he sat on the bed and motioned me to sit next to him.  I sat down slowly and kept distance.

"Tell me about yourself, you mystery girl POMONA." He said emphasizing my name.  I blushed and wasn't sure where to start.

"Oh i'm just normal, you know.  Nothing out of the ordinary." I said to him.

"I don't believe that.  A girl as beautiful as you has to have some secrets." He said leaning closer.  I blushed again.  His wet lips connected with mine and I didn't know how to feel.  I pulled away a bit, but then leaned forward again.  His hands went to the back of my head to pull me even closer to him until I was sitting straddled on his lap.  His tongue was in my mouth and I breathed heavy at the contact.  His hands slid down my back until they gripped onto my ass and he pulled me harder on him, making me feel his bulge between my legs.


"You wanna go back downstairs?" He asked putting his shirt back on.  Fuck, I didn't even know his name.

"I'll be down soon." I said to him.  He looked at me and nodded, getting up and leaving the room.  I looked down at my hands and they were shaking.  I felt like I was having period pains, but I knew that wasn't it.  I waited a few minutes before going to the bathroom and getting a hold of myself.  Someone left their drink on the counter, I emptied it down the hatch.  Where was Ryan?  I stumbled downstairs and a lot of people had left, Penny was gone.  I saw the guy talking to other members of the baseball team while they high fived him.  I stumbled to the front door and took off my shoes.  The cold night air hit my bare shoulders and legs as I started making my way back to campus.  I was drunk, but numb enough to keep my legs moving forward.  I finally made it back to campus, but didn't head for my room. 

I  knocked on Ryan's door.  A few minutes later, Ryan opened the door in just his boxers and rubbed his eyes.

"Pomona, what are you doing? it's like 3 in the morning." He said.  I looked up at him with mascara running down my face.

"Where were you?" I asked him, choking on a sob.

"Shhh, what do you mean?" He said trying to get me to quiet down.

"I needed you, where were you? You were supposed to be there." I slurred to him.

"I think you should get some sleep, you wanna sleep in my bed?" He asked.  I nodded my head and he lead me into the dark room quietly.  Gabe turned over in his bed but stayed asleep.  I crawled into Ryan's bed and he came in after me.  He slowly rubbed my shoulder and within seconds, I was asleep.

Absent Lovers Things // Ryan RossWhere stories live. Discover now