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It wasn't the bright light nor the cold wind that I felt around my body that awoke me. No, it was a sort of head-rush I felt, though I'm not sure if that's the right word to describe it with.

Unlike a head-rush, I didn't feel it when I opened my eyes and sat up; instead I felt it when I knew I was conscious, which is something weird to think about. How can something that you feel when you wake up be the cause of your waking? But this feeling didn't cause any pain. It felt like water running throughout the inside of my head. Only when I opened my eyes there was a pain.

It was spread all throughout my body, like every muscle in it was sore from something. I sat up to see if there were anything visible about the pain, but no; my skin was clear of any cuts or bruising. It wasn't until I noticed my surroundings that I got a bit nervous to say the least.

Nothing looked familiar. Nothing at all. I was in a plain hillside covered with long, flowing grass that was given a golden kiss from the sun, with a dark road that looked run downed and over used to the right of me, and in the distance, I swear I saw a city; those cliche cities too, the tall skyscrapers and few small buildings.

My chest went up and down as I heaved each of my breaths, but I couldn't exactly feel it; everything felt frozen, like I'd gone into shock. I tried to think back to my most recent memory, something to say where I've been but nothing came up. Terrified, I tried to think of even the smallest inking thought but there was nothing as well; not even my own name.

Well, no, that's not true; there was a small glimpse of something before, but it was nothing other than two blinding lights, and the sound of... metal? Yes, scratching metal against each other, that was followed by a booming noise, and then... sirens? Nothing seemed to be making any sense.

With not knowing what to do and all thought useless, I curled up my legs and held them towards my chest, and laid there. As the sun above my head had begun to cooler and cooler, I realized it was turning night and who knows what may be about in the night. That's when I heard it.

The growl of a machine growing ever so closer. I wanted to look up, but the shock of everything has frozen me from moving even an inch. Luckily, the person saw me.

"Hey, are you okay?" It was a male's voice. The sound was clear and concerning, like he knew what I was going through and that I needed someone's help.

"Where... where am I?" I found I could lift my head a little and saw that this male was around twenty, with darkened hair that almost touched his eyes and was sticking out everywhere on his head. His eyes in question looked gray, and his skin looked rough, almost like sandpaper, but somehow kept that youthful look.

The male came closer and outreached his hand, wanting me to get up. But I didn't; I needed my question to be answered, as well as the others coming in my head. I stared at him, with a weak scowl sure to the shock still somewhat in affect . It was a while before he realized why I was delaying the help.

He bent down to get on eye-level with me, as I was already sitting on my knees while I awaited his response.

"I know you're confused, and in a bit of shock, but trust me; all your questions will be answered soon. For now, let me help you."

My scowl deepened as much as it could've. "And... who exactly are you, stranger?"


There was silence again after he spoke, and hesitantly, I took his hand and stood up; I couldn't think of any other option. I wasn't aware of my attire until he started leading me to the small mechanical machine, which I suddenly realized was a motorcycle; my shirt was a plaid red and white that had small, rounded circles leading down to where it met with the material that covered my legs, and ended with a hard, brown material that covered my feet.

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