"Living" World

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"-and me the basin........."

It felt weird...every aspect of the situation felt weird...

The room was filled with a multitude of noises but...there was nothing that could be seen; just noises. Instead of color and images, all I saw was a void of color; like black but...a darker, colorless and empty black.

One dominant noise was a beeping that was continuous, yet slow and soft. There was also a soft clink clink that appeared after the voice spoke. The voice in question was a male's; it held authority and also patience.

"Is there still blood loss?"

"No, doctor."

"Hm...well, there is still some glass that has cut into the body, see?"

I felt the tiniest of tugs on the midsection of my torso, but it only lasted for a second and was gone as quickly as it came. The rest of my body was numb; I couldn't feel any of my limbs, let alone move them. The same went for my eyes.

Clink, clink!

Each tug was followed by a clink, while the beeping kept its own beat.

I tried to hear for something else, to see just where I was. I knew for certain I was 'alive' again; one does not simply go to a new place by sleeping. But...the location as to 'where' was still a mystery.

Wait...are these people...those surgeons I saw? Why is it no longer painful, what are they doing to me? What...is making that 'clinking' sound? Was it the...glass? Where did this glass come from...was it from those lights from before...the car crash?

There was glass...in my body? Is...that why it hurt before? How are they getting it out? Did...they cut me open?!

Suddenly, beeping had started to escalate, and my body was growing more heavy, turning into an anchor that would hold me down and keep me silent.


"Steady her."

The numbness was starting to fade and was slowly getting more painful...much, much too painful!

The pain was starting to grow, getting less and less tolerable to manage. I wanted to move, to scream, to do something to no longer concealed the pain in my body. But I still couldn't do anything.

My environment grew louder; the rabid beeping, the booming sound of commands being ordered by various of people, the whish of air made by the moving bodies...the list went on and on.

I could suddenly feel my body thrash around on where I laid, but it only caused more pain to the already growing amount there was. Something, or various of somethings, was trying to calm me down, keep my body steady and unmoving. But it was a vicious cycle of pain that kept at me; if I was too still, the pain will bubble up, but if I moved, it would only create more.

The torturous feeling was the only thing I could focus on; it consumed every space in my mind...pain, pain, pain, pain, pain...

I wanted it to stop!


Just. STOP!

My request had seemed to be answered when the pain slowly started to numb...but it was an agonizing wait as it calmed the harsh feeling down. It was with my arm and chest first, then it spread out, calming every part of me. I could finally be able to rest.

"Okay, the sedatives are working. Let's finish this off so we can send her to her room."

"Poor girl...I can't imagine the pain she was in...those screams...and with her body still open...haa, let's finish this so she can recover peacefully."

Was I screaming? I couldn't tell what with that single feeling in my head.

The procedure was done quickly, well, as quickly as something could happen without any concept of time. The surgeons conversed from time to time, but it was mostly quiet, the beeping now back to being slow and steady and the occasional quick clink, clink!

I could tell all the glass was out once there wasn't that faint stinging in my torso...it also helped when the person who seemed to be in charge declared when the glass was all out.

I felt myself being rolled into another room, one filled with a less harsh light; I could tell due to how it felt against my eyelids. The place where they put my body on was somewhere more comfortable than the place before...it felt softer and had a less of a harsh texture to lie on. It also smelled less of...blood or organs...or whatever you find or smell in a place where someone is operated on. Instead, it smelled more of medicines and...that 'new room' smell with a combination of cleaning products. I heard the footsteps of the person who moved me go towards...the entrance of the room...the door.

"Your visitors will be coming soon...rest up honey." Their voice was filled with...concern. How badly did I scar this person? They must've been through something like this before, they must've seen someone's pain like that before too...right? The pain I felt before didn't seem so prominent now.

The door closed after the person spoke, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a quiet beeping.

So far...all I've known is I was injured in a car wreck...injured badly enough to have glass puncture into my body. What I was curious about now though was...what happened before. What...happened that made the crash seem like...I wanted to die?

It was all too confusing...

Luckily for my growing, aching chest, unluckily for my tolerance levels, my mind slowly slipped from my heavy, grounding body and back to where the idiot and his friend where.

Author's Note:

Ah another chapter out! I'm having some trouble getting the situations last...longer?  Hopefully, this was enough for this small section!

Anyway, thanks for reading and comments and votes are greatly appreciated, and show that you enjoy the story! Starting authors need a good amount of comments and votes to grow!

Anyways, see you later, dear reader!

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