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After being carried by my arms down the from the...tree, the three of us stood around the motor machine when Evan finally let me down and addressed to the both of us. Well, mostly me.

"See, my ignorant child, this motorbike here, yes you see? It can only safely hold two people. BUT!" he stopped dramatically, looking between me and his slim friend,"If we all squish together, then we'll all be able to fit!"

"This is what I get for not wanting to be alone," I muttered mostly to myself.

"Exactly! Now, get behind me."

I was awkwardly squished between Evan, who was obviously at the front, and Leo who was trying not to be to far in the back. We all held onto one another (well, Evan was the only one that wasn't holding onto a person) as the motor was starting up. Pretty soon, we were moving; not as fast as before, probably due to the extra person on board.

The first place I was taken to was around the nearby city. This was where, supposedly, most of the 'life essentials' would be found. I was showed a different variety of buildings, one for clothing, another for food, and there was a lot more. When we went to each place, the main questions I would ask were 'what is this?' or 'this is that object, right?'

Once we went through each place that sold a good (it was a long process, but I wasn't allowed to focus too much on one object or place), Evan took us to what he called, 'the countryside' or 'farms'. Unlike the city, this place was filled with more space, and by observations, it was mostly due to the 'plants'. Although, each line was either completely filled by the 'crops', as they were called, or they were empty. It it was different than how it should be, although I wasn't sure why or the "correct" way on how it should be.

This part of the trip was more prolonged, as I not only had Leo and Evan as my guide but also this polite gentleman who presented himself as Farmer Stan. The farmer showed where some of the animals would appear, mostly in a certain area of the red, large house called a 'barn'. They would appear sleeping, during the night or late evening on the large patch of hay they put in the area.

"What happens to them once they're here? I mean...I was told they weren't killed precisely."

"No my dear, they aren't," Stan answered. "They're used mostly for what they...produce. Come here, look." He walked towards a large animal that was white black splotches on it; a cow. It was laying by a large wooden box that seemed to be filled with oddly shaped objects with a pink color stacked on top of one another.

"Just like how the animals, and even ourselves, get here so suddenly, these products do as well. There is...really not much of an explanation for it. Not everything here can be explained or is as simple as it was back when we're living."

"And...what happens to them when they're no longer in use? I mean...this place doesn't look too crowded."

"They just...disappear as they appeared."

We were showed medium-sized...birds called 'chickens' who produced eggs, while there was a different type of chicken that would produce a light pink fleshy object that looks...similar to themselves. There was also little long, bright pink creatures which were 'pigs', a medium-sized short furred animal called a 'goat', fluffier animals with cloud fur called 'sheep' as well as a small watered filled area that held oval-shaped, scaled creatures that moved within the water.

The two guys followed me throughout the entire area, always one of them shadowing beside me and kept silent as I would ask the farmer each question. They were a bit...too quiet that I had to sometimes look over my shoulder or beside me in order to remind myself that they were there.

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