
8 1 14

They keep singing that repeated tune, each note growing higher and irritating me more the longer it kept going. 

Not to mention, the tune was now going on and on without missing a beat in my own head, which was pretty down-right annoying as well.

"Okay, okay fantastic, can you both stop it now?" As I was scolding them, it couldn't be help but to wear a smile as they both acted to zip their lips and lock it with an imaginary key. 

They were similar to a hyper child in so many ways.

Although in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think when that guy, my supposed "lover", was near me and sniffing me and speaking to me in such an aggressive tone, it felt anything but the joy these two made it be. 

The annoying joy that seemed to make one with glee and spread contagiously onto others.

However, I couldn't ruin their cheerful view of it with my forlorn experience, so I kept quiet and kept my smile at them as I ate another of the now cooled sweets whose smell was now growing faint.


I was unsure if I wanted to go back to that hospital room.

It was already near the nighttime when I last looked out a window, which was when I went out of my guest room, and the night can only bring more out of body experiences or boredom and tiresome if I choose to not go that route. 

So, I suffered from immense boredom and tried to keep myself awake (in a sense).

Was I still worried about not being alive and technically considered dead? Yes, I was very much so worried. So much so, that I caught myself even fidgeting with my hands and hair from time to time. It was actually my fear of what other dreadful things I may come across when back in that hospital room that somewhat eased my anxieties. Somewhat.

I considered my room as off-limits since I'm sure to 'sleep' once I'm in there and feel the comfortable aura the bed and the blanket will give. I didn't even allow the pillows on the couch (which I decided to seize and conquer for my nightly spot) to be near me and instead delicately stacked them on the floor.

Through some psychic power he somehow seems to possess at my time of worries, Evan remanded nearby, not asking any questions and occasionally commented on my little habits about my hands and hair. He took the floor on top of the stacked pillows, ruining my perfectly placed tower!

Leo however either didn't notice or choose not to, seeing as he instead went out of the tree house. I wanted to ask where he was going, but Evan didn't look too worried so I didn't. That's not to say it didn't remain in my mind, however.

For a while, I stared at some object. I wasn't entirely sure what it was exactly, just that it let me get lost in empty and useless thoughts. Thoughts that had no meaning or words that could be used to translate what it meant, thoughts that jumped from one to another in the span of a second and was overall just a collection of empty space and mind.

But the time of empty mind space ended when I heard some loud and instant sound. I blinked a couple of times since my eyes suddenly stung. I looked over at the floor and saw Evan with his hand in a sort of fist, only two of his finger was out. Well, technically one finger and his thumb.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" He waved his hand in front of my face with a concerned look on his face. "Hello.."

My hand raised slowly since I was tired and I swatted his hand away from my face. "Hey, hey, hey, hey," I continuously and slowly said. Having to draw my mouth to shape each word felt weirdly like a challenge, like every muscle in me had shaken sleep off; it just felt so heavy.

"Whoa, hey look straight at me." I did, but I was unsure as to why he asked me to do so.

"Um...why are you doing this, I'm not drunk." At the word 'drunk', there was a quick image (possibly a memory?) of someone walking strangely, almost limping out of a car and then looking at a flashlight. From the few seconds I saw the image, the person looked like a dirty and unclean male.

It surprised me, not only the image but also the word, but what made me chuckle was Evan's face taken aback by my word of choice.

"Yeah, but you seemed out of it and I wanted to make sure you're still...sane."

Now I was the one taken aback; the choice of "sane" made me curious and slightly terrified.

"Wait, what exactly do you mean 'sane'?" At the word, I used my fingers to visibly quote it.

He laid back and got comfortable on the floor and the ruined pillows and I did so as well on the sofa.

"Well," he started, "after a while of 'guardian angel-ing' you get to see all the different ways people react after the big introduction of this life, if you want to call it that." He paused to look at my reaction so far, but I felt unfazed; so he continued.

"There were about hmm...five or four people who went 'off the deep end', if you catch my drift. They seemed pretty fine, getting along with everything but...then they started acting delusional, saying to see things such as, and I quote 'the devil in all his evil glory has come to get me' or even claiming that this whole place was just a 'figment of their mind' and 'they'll awake from this dream.' They couldn't face the fact of their death and eventually..."

He stopped there, but I didn't want to hear what happened to them. I was already worried about living, I didn't want to worry about what may happen at death.

"Well, I'm not-nothing bad will happen." We sat in silence, me now afraid to do anything...well, more specifically, nothing. But, the silence felt deafening so I figured to ask another question.

"Hey, Evan...what-who exactly were you when you were alive?"

Author's Note:

Heyo all my reader! Sorry for the late update for August, but I couldn't find a time to finish this before the month ended we are!

For the next chapter, I'll try to make it sometime this month, but if it doesn't then...hopefully, October?

Well, who knows; anyways, thank you for reading and don't forget to leave a comment about the story or any constructive criticism you may have or just say hi!  Also, don't forget to leave a vote if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll hopefully see you in the next few weeks!

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