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The soft glow a morning light started to warm my face, reminding me of the new room my...uh, former body was moved to. There was an orange glow behind my eyelids, probably caused by the warm and bright sun shining through the open, cut-out window. The rustling of the leaves was still there from last night, but there was also a musical sound, along with the rustling; faint yet almost like it was begging for attention.

I opened my eyes and was faced with a small face, one that didn't look like anything I've seen before. The face belonged to a small creature, with miniature, thin legs, and with a plump, almost round body. It didn't have a mouth but outward triangular opening that served as a mouth. The small creature was perched on the edge of the window where the inside and outside meet.

Was it passive? It didn't seem to be aggressive in any way but...who knows what the little creature could do. With caution in mind, I slowly sat up, as to not disturb or agitate it. The thing did jump back a bit on the edge but otherwise didn't move.

"What are you?" It just kept staring.

The same musical sound from before sounded again, but it came from somewhere among the leaves of the surrounding branches. The creature responded to the sound by looking at the direction where it might've came from, and...just flew there! A pair of...wings came from its plump body and it just...whoosh!

The sound that called the creature started up again, but it was more...of a multitude of sounds; like there were more of whatever made the sound...well making it. It sounded like a chatter, almost a conversation among the little creatures, if they were the ones making the noise. It sounded...comforting; I laid my head against the headboard of the bed, closed my eyes, and just listened to the chatter from the little creatures.

They didn't go back and forth like we do, but rather overlapping each there some creature like this back on Earth? I'm sure there is...


"GAH! Wha-what in tarnation!?"

Evan stood at the doorway, the knob of the door in one hand as he held the door open, the other against the doorframe. And he obviously had that big, stupid grin on his face, his quiet self from last night all gone. While he was all energetic, I was slower to get myself together, after the calming moment I had with the musical, winged creatures; I made a mental note to ask Leo what they were if I couldn't find the name for them.

"Come on, time to get up sleepy head!" He might as well start banging pots together for the noise he gave.

"Hey, not all of us sleep like a child and wake as one too!"

"Well look at you! You know what a child is!"

"Yeah, and I'm looking at one," I retorted.

With my calm demeanor gone due to a certain child, I jumped out of the comfort from the land of covers, pillows, and soft musical sounds and onto the floor...I stumbled at the landing, but otherwise didn't fall. What an accomplishment!

"And she sticks the landing! Raaa raa!" What can I say; the energetic energy is contagious. Evan rolled his eyes, but the stupid smile stayed on.

"Not so clueless now?" he asked as he made room for me to walk past him at the door.

"Not really; just...a while to remember some 'new' things."

"Like what?" We were in the room with the small hatch on the floor, but there was a doorway leading to another room that had a nice smell coming from it. I guess...that's food.

"Um...flying little ball of...well not fur but...feather? And they make a sweet musical sound to talk."

"Birds!" Leo proclaimed, as he turned back from whatever he was doing with the stove in this new room. It had a lighter, more pleasant mood to it, it's wooden walls a bright, painted beige and a large cut-out window that let large amounts of sunlight in. The used stove wasn't the only thing in the room; there was a small, secluded elevated counter with four thin, raised chairs surrounding it, as well as a thin blue box where food is held that was beside light beige wooden cabinets that separates it from the stove.

"One of the joys of living among them in a tree; you get to wake to their conversations. Plus, there aren't any little chicks waking you up, squeaking for food." There was a soft sizzle as he moved the food around in the pan.

"Yeah," Evan replied back, sitting on one of the thin chairs, and proceeded to set his arms on the...island.

"The crying is one thing I don't miss; little suckers kept me up for days at a time." Evan made an annoyed expression as he took a minute to remember.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Quiet dear, the grownups are talking."

Leo chuckled, while I was contemplating on giving a witty remark; after much thought, I decided to spare him.

"Well," I ended up saying,"it doesn't the correct name for the creature. Bird. Too short and...abrupt." It reminded me of the faulty naming of the 'moon'; such beauties shouldn't be cut short from simple naming.

"Naming makes it easier to point out stuff. Like, you don't expect to go on a long tangent of describing every single item, say, like a house. You can still appreciate the beauty, but just...shorter and more efficient."

As he was speaking, Leo got three white, circular plates and put the food from the stove onto the plate; it was a fluffy, yellow that was a weird and irregular shape. Scrambled...eggs.

"Where did you get those?"

He set the plates and some silvers on the island and looked down at them, then back to me.

"Not from outside, if that's what your thinking."

"No, but...they're part of a chicken and...doesn't that mean you killed it?" My eyes widened in horror at the thought that maybe...there was a way that death could get us if it could for the poor little eggs.

"Child," Evan stepped in, starting to gulf down the eggs with a triple pointed silver," first off, eggs aren't dead animals. Second, the food here isn't grown or killed; it comes and goes.

"Unlike back when we were alive, we don't have to grow our foods or slaughter the living ones. No," he continued after another swallow," it's still produced just...differently. It's too complicated for your still reeling mind," he waved off as he finished the last helpings on his plate.

The redhead looked at his friend then gave an apologetic look to me before he started to eat. I looked at my plate and slowly ate my first bite; the next was more hurried as I didn't want the flavor out of my mouth.

"Finish up your plate; I'm going to take you on a tour around a portion of the area," Evan declared after putting his cleared off plate in a small sink. "If you're going to stay, which is always a consideration, you might want to know where everything is and...well what it is. So, questions are always welcome!"

"Yeah, okay, just...let me finish...this up," I replied, scoffing down my last helping of eggs.

"Nope!" he cheerfully stated as he scooped me up from the stool. "We're starting this tour now!"

"Question; can I have Leo along to make sure you-hey stop walking, I'm talking to you!" Evan still continued to half carry me to the hatch in the main room; Leo watched in amazement at the whole situation but followed behind regardless.

Author's Note:

Another month, another chapter! I hope you enjoyed this new chapter, as well as this progressing story!

Comments and votes are greatly appreciated and helps me out that you're enjoying the story, as well as some things that may be fixed!

till the next chapter

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