Chapter Three: The Choice

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Five painful minutes later, Cas managed to get both his injured self and the lifeless figure of his friend over to the side of the road. He was heaving for every breath, pain snaking its way into every region of his chest as he struggled. Growling erupted from down the pavement, but Cas could barely turn his head to look and see what it was. Arduously, he helped Dean to the ground and positioned him comfortably against a somber oak tree. Though Sam had asked more of Cas, he had no ability to continue further without collapsing from the torturous ache in his chest.

Cas sat next to his friend quietly, listening to the growling grow louder as the creature approached. From his vantage point, he observed that Sam was still struggling to move the Impala back onto its four wheels in order to access its store of weapons in the trunk. Cas tilted his head slightly, mulling over his options. He could sit with Dean like Sam had asked, or go help and get the weapons they needed. He studied Dean, who stirred slightly in his state of unconsciousness. It was in this state of wondering that he heard Sam shouting something he couldn't quite make out. The growling from before turned into fierce snarls, and Cas stood, his eyebrows furrowed in indecision. He cast a final glance toward Dean, who looked so peaceful against the tree, and ran out into the deserted highway.

By the time Cas reached the Impala, Sam was wrestling away a creature who looked much like the lifeless one they had only just defeated. It snapped its bloody teeth at Sam, who was struggling to slash at its head. Cas broke into a run, his tawny trench coat billowing devotedly in the air behind him.

"Sam, duck!" Cas shouted, quickly searching himself for a weapon. He must have left his knife with Dean, but thankfully, his revolver was stashed in his trench coat pocket. Without further hesitation, he pointed it at the creature and pulled the trigger.  A moment later, blood splashed against Sam's shirt and began oozing from the creature's mangled head as it went limp.

"Sam, forget the car." Cas narrowed his eyes, sliding the gun back in his pocket. "We need to help Dean."

"We can't help him if we're unarmed." Sam took a quick glance around the area, tensing as a nearby branch snapped. "Hurry – help me move this thing."

Cas gingerly stepped around the dead creature and nearly collided with the lifeless one from earlier as he moved toward the Impala. Sam put his hands against the side of the car, groaning as he tried to push it upright. 

"Go! Now!" Sam shoved the door of the car and Cas helped to push, pausing to move his sleeves higher up so they would not interfere. It took a few minutes, but eventually, the two men managed to put the car back onto its four wheels. The entire roof was now caved in, dented in a hundred different places. Half of the windows were blown out and shattered all over the pavement, and two of the doors appeared to be stuck in place. The trunk seemed relatively unharmed, aside from the occasional dent and scrape. 

Sam tried to open it and they must have been due a good moment, because it opened without much effort. Inside was a vast collection of different knives, swords, and rifles that Sam scooped up deftly, as though he was used to cleaning it out in a hurry. He motioned to Cas to help, who was rubbing a hand fervently over his chest in a futile effort to relieve the pain in his lungs. It had only intensified, and he felt as though he would soon be unable to breathe. Sam noted this and passed Cas a light assortment of rosaries, holy water vials, and two packs of bullets.

"Head over to Dean." Sam turned back to the trunk, even though his arms were already full. "He needs you more than I do."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Cas drew a staggering breath, balancing the objects in his arms precariously.

"I heard what he said to you." Sam was still surveying the trunk, occasionally grabbing another weapon to add to the duffel bag he was now filling. "It's fine he said it -- I knew already."

"You knew?" Cas frowned. "Was I the only one that didn't?"

"Can't you read people's minds?" Sam evaded the question by cracking a wry, but sad smile. "Use your angel powers for once." 

"I-" Cas fumbled with one of the rosaries in his hands, uncomfortable. "I don't abuse my powers, Sam. I would never read his mind." He added, in a lowered voice: "Every time I've tried, he just shuts me out."

Sam shot Cas a knowing look in reply, and Cas stepped away indignantly. "Fine," he huffed, flustered. "I'll head back."

After another bout of extended silence, Cas stormed away, his arms full of goods and his mind full of Dean.

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