Chapter Twenty-One: The Pie

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"What is all of this for?" Cas eyed Gabriel suspiciously, sizing him up. "We've been living like this for months, and you've never bothered to come help us."

"We don't have time to discuss it now, brother." Gabriel stepped toward them, which earned a glare from Jess. "We're about to be swarmed." 

He winked at Jess. "Allow me?"

Gabriel took hold of Cas' hand, who was holding onto Jess, and within minutes, the guttural growls of hungry walkers faded into the peaceful silence of the study.


Sam's eyes lit up when he saw the two angels, and he got up out of the same chair he'd been sitting in before to wrap Cas in this huge hug. Gabriel stood there for a moment, feigning disappointment, until Sam reached over to give him one as well.

It took longer than it should have for Sam to step away from thanking the two angels to see Jess there, standing behind them quietly. Her eyes were shining with tears, and she was shaking in her white nightgown.

"S-Sam?" she whispered, as though she couldn't believe her eyes. She was so pale and looked so fragile, as if all the life had been drained out of her.

Sam was rendered speechless and he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the girl who he had never really stopped loving. He rested his chin on the top of her golden curls and took a deep, shuddering breath and she rested her head against his chest.

"I promise, this is all going to make sense soon." Sam murmured, his hands shaking as he stroked her hair. "I'm here, okay?"

"I feel like we're intruding on a moment." Gabriel winced, nodding toward Sam and Jess. "Can I talk to you outside, Castiel?"

It was a split second between the time it took for Cas to begin registering what Gabriel had said to the two of them literally standing outside on the roof, where the rain had begun to pour. Gabriel sighed, holding a hand out to catch the droplets.

"Brother, I don't want you to take this the wrong way..." Gabriel sighed in an irritated way. "But I'm not staying."

"What? Why not?" Cas frowned, narrowing his eyes. He tried in vain to evade the rain before it began drizzling in every square inch of space on the roof.

"I'm sure you already know, but Heaven – it's such a mess, it's not funny." Gabriel pursed his lips and sighed. "I'm sorry to leave you so soon, but they need me."

"More than I do?" Cas adjusted the collar of his trench coat, which was damp with the rain. "More than Sam does?"*

"More than you do for now." Gabriel shook his head and placed his finger against his lips. "I can't come back here again, with the situation how it is. We've spent this entire time trying to figure out where the souls are going."

"Will we need you later?" Cas blinked as a raindrop fell on his nose and trickled down his face.

"Yes, Castiel, but I can't be here. I've seen what's going to happen, and it won'. If I were you, I would leave this bunker as soon as you can."

"I can't. Dean would never allow that."

"I know."


"Why in the actual hell would you bring her back?" Dean's voice carried down the hall to where Cas was standing, rummaging in the refrigerator for something to bring Dean for dinner.

"I can't explain it, Dean." Sam was quieter, and Cas had to strain to hear him. "It was a spur of the moment decision. I just... I just wanted to be happy. I still loved her, this whole time. I... I never really moved on. After mom came back... I mean... I know she's gone now... but I thought maybe I could bring Jess back too."

"Has that ever actually worked out in our favor?" Dean hissed. Cas rummaged for a moment more before giving up and retreating to look in the cabinets. "What did you bargain for her??"

"I... I don't know, exactly." Sam sounded pained, and his voice was barely a mumble. "They didn't specify..."

"How could you make a deal like that, Sammy?" Dean's voice was gravelly and low, the way he held it when he was upset. "It's naïve, it's stupid, it's futile. You brought a girl for over a decade back to life during the freaking apocalypse!"

"I don't see what has you so upset." Sam shot back. Cas found the pie that he had tried to offer Dean so long ago, only to be refused. "It's my life, and it was a choice that I made. It doesn't affect you in the least!"

"It doesn't affect me?" Dean's voice dropped dangerously low. "Sammy, do you have any idea what the hell you are saying? You could die. Your soul could be gone. You could be dying, right now! To hell it's not my problem! You're always going to be my problem!"

"Oh, so I'm your problem now?" Sam imitated Dean's voice, and Cas stood by the kitchen doorway with the pie still in his hands. "What the hell, Dean? Let me just get away from you guys then, if I'm such a bother. I'll be with Jess if you need me."

"Sammy, just... come on. That's not-" Dean began, but a door slammed in the distance and the room was once again quiet. 

Cas waited a moment before rounding the corner. He was still holding the piece of pie, having dished it out onto plate for Dean.


"Cas, not right now." Dean was slumped on the floor, his back resting against the nearby door frame. His face was buried in his hands.

"Dean, I-" Cas began, taking a tentative step forward with the pie in his hand. Dean shook his head and turned away, facing the hall where Sam had just gone.

"I'm sorry, Cas..." he whispered. "Not today." 

*got some Sabriel up in here for you shippers, you're welcome <3 

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