**book trailer**

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I have two different trailers that my amazing friends made for me about this book. I saved them to Google Drive so you guys can watch them too :) They involve no spoilers about the book, as they are trailers, but I think you would benefit to watch them prior to reading the story and then again afterward so you can fangirl as much as I did! 

 Enjoy! <3 

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwnYCo6fMnBCNlg0RXBSeF9jMW8/view?usp=drivesdk by the wonderful @natalie.bee_ on Instagram and nataliebee15 on Wattpad!

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwnYCo6fMnBCWG94dGk0SmpSOEE/view?usp=sharing by my sister @winchesters_hate_demons on Instagram and winchestershatedemon on Wattpad! 

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