Chapter 1: School Dayz

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Hi Everyone,I'm Laura Marano, You probably reconise the surname Marano from Vanessa Marano, Yes, She's my sister. She's like 5 years older than me,prettier than me,more popular then me,all the boys are after her. Whereas, I'm just an ugly, fat, nerd!! Everyone here bullies me especially the populars.

The populars are...Well just like their name,their the popular people in school.They consist of: Maia,Raini,Tori,Beck,Calum and....and... and..... ugh! I'll just say it! ROSS SHOR LYNCH!! That's right the hearthrob, from R5.He's the meanest person you will ever meet. Maia is probably the second worst to me, she's in LOVE with Ross,but obviously he doesn't like her.Wait,Why do I care?.Whatever,Anyway,

Ross has sex with every girl every night.This is going to be a terrible year.The only thing good in my life is my acting and music.That's really the only reason I'm alive.

Ross's P.O.V

Sup People! I'm Ross Lynch (Sure u know already).Yes,THE Ross Lynch, I'm a teen

sensation, Lead singer of R5!! Some people consider me as a player,Which I'm not.I've had...1,2,3,4,5,6.....Ok,Maybe I am,I can't just be stuck to one girl. Some may have said I have dated everyone in this school.Which is not true,Ur...Marano,Marano, Ah- Laurie Marano, oh wait, Laura Marano,Ya her,I'll never date her.That nerd and I will never date.


Laura's P.O.V

As I walk into school, I get pushed straight into the lockers,Ouch!That hurt

I look up and see...


Laura: Ow....(Looks up nervously to see who pushed her)

-Raini and Tori walks to her-

Raini: Hey Nerd

Tori: Ready for your daily beating?

Laura: (Sigh) Please...Please Stop!! (Rubbing her injuries)

-Beck and Calum walk to them-

Beck:Ya Right,Like we'll listen to you.But just to be fair, we'll let the girls have their fun,see you around,nerd (Turns around and walks away with Calum)

Raini: Well,Looks like I'll start first (Punches Laura in the stomach)

Tori: And I'll continue (Kicks Laura in the head,HARD, in the head with her 7-inch heals)

-Raini and Tori continue abusing,kicking and punching Laura-

Laura: (In tears) Please,Please stop!You're hurting me!

-However,Raini and Tori continued abusing her for 10mins-

Raini: Ok,We'll be nice to you and let you off (Kicks her in the head),See u around

Tori: Bye Nerd (Walks away with Raini)

Laura: (Slowly Stands Up) Ow... (Trudges to the toliet)


-In the Toliet-

Laura's P.O.V

Greeaaat...I have so many bruises. Yep,You heard them,This happens everyday.The injuries are so obvious,but no one at home actually notices,my parents are stationed in New York and my sis is filming all the time at "Switched At Birth" so..yea...I can try to cover them..I do this everyday.


Laura's P.O.V

As I walk out, I see Ross and Maia sucking each other's faces off. Gross, I really wanted to say to them, "Dudes,Snog each others faces off somewhere else would-ya?"  But If I did,I would be dead...

Laura, Just cover your eyes and walk to class quietly, Pretend you didn't see anything.Ross does these things ( and even worse) with every other girl, every other day.

Ross is the playboy type, one day he says that you're the only girl for him, and the next day, he's snogging someone else..


Ross P.O.V

Maia and I were making out at the lockers,  ya, we do this at school, and NO, she's not my girlfriend, but who cares? She's hot.

I kissed ( or shall we say devoured) her soft, pink lips, I grasped her brunette hair with my right hand, and left hand grabbed her butt.

At the corner of my,I saw Marano walking across,covering her eyes. As far as I know I think she is the only virgin in this school. Lame..

Hi everyone,

That is the 1st chapter, and I may be doing some dirty chapters and I know that I'm 11, but my classmates are even more corrupted than me, so ya, you can say I've been corrupted, but not as much as them. Oh Ya, I'm going to be changing the format of my chapters.


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