Chapter 15: The First Date (Part 2)

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Natalie's POV

The date is starting out great, Ross and I are now talking about school and he is being a gentleman! Wow, I didn't expect that from him, especially after what I heard Laura say...

[Still in the Car]

Ross: So...Natalie, I still don't know you that well yet, can you tell me a bit about yourself? Its ok if you don't want to I- (gets cut-off)

Natalie: Its Ok Ross, I also want you to know me better :)

Ross: Okay...But if you don't feel comfortable, you don't need to..

Natalie: You know what, If you feel that bad, After I tell you, you can tell me :)

Ross: Kay..

Natalie: Well, I'm 5 ft 9" , natural brunette, have the colour brilliant blue eyes, and I am an aspiring model, I just got signed with covergirl and Laura and Vanessa posted a YouTube Video of me singing and now people think I want to be a singer. I love to write music, I play guitar, bass, piano, violin, ukelele, electric guitar and the trumpet :) To me, Music and Songwriting is a relaxing past time just like my art and sports. I do scrapbooking, clay art, decorating my room, and painting for art.I do softball, swimming, track and field and taekwondo (Just got my black belt) for sports. I'm a straight A student so people find it weird that I'm an aspiring model..Streotypes... I come from a family of 3 and I am the only child, so it does get lonely some time... But Its okay, I have quite a few friends and I am quite busy already to bother worrying about friendships. I have never gone on a date, never had my first kiss and I am a virgin

(just putting it out there) I hopefully want to become a sucessful model in the future. The End :)

Ross: Wow..Thats a lot to take in... But... we're here! (Parks Car)

Natalie: (Smiles) (Gets out of the car)

Ross: (Gets out of the car) (Gets the Picnic Basket) Oh You're out! Ready M'lady?

Natalie: (Giggles)

They walk and walk until they reach this cliff area where you could have a bird's eye view of the Beach and a direct view of the sunset

Natalie: (Shock) Wow...Its Beautiful!

Ross: (Sets the Picnic) Shall we have a picnic here?

Natalie:Oh Okay, Thank You :)

Ross: So what sandwich do you prefer? Ham and Cheese or Egg Mayo?

Natalie: Wow that's a tough choice! How about egg mayo?

Ross: K (Passes the sandwich to her) Here

Natalie: Thank You!

Ross: So what's your favourite colour?

Natalie: Red

Ross: Yellow

Natalie: Favourite Food?

Ross: Anything Edible

Natalie: Japanese Cusine

Ross: Favourite Instrument?

Ross & Natalie: Guitar

Natalie: Celebrity Crush?

Ross: Marilyn Monroe

Natalie: Liam Hemsworth

Ross: Seriously? I am wayyy hotter than him!

Natalie: (Finshes Sandwich) Sure keep telling yourself that sweetie :)

Ross: (Pins Natalie to the floor) Oh Really?

Natalie: Yes!

Ross: Are you ticklish?

Natalie: Yes and wh- (Starts to laugh uncontrollably)

Ross: Say, "Ross is the hottest guy in the history of mankind!!"

Natalie: (Still Laughing) I...I aa...amm a..n.. g...irl.. Can'!!

Ross: (Continues Tickling her) Say it and I'll stop!!

Natalie: Fine!! Ross is the hottest guy in the history of mankind!!

Ross: (Stops Tickling her)

Natalie: Okay, Lesson Learnt, don't ever tell people I'm ticklish

Ross: (Chuckles)

They continue eating and talking while watching the sunset...

Ross: Hey Natalie?

Natalie: Yes?

Ross: What do you say about surfing?

Natalie: I would love to, but I don't have a board or swimsuit.

Ross: (Holds Up Bag) Laura Helped me prepare, the toliet is that way

Natalie: I'll meet u at the beach in 5mins

Ross: Ok

And they both change in the toliet (separately of course)

A/N Ah Ha!! Another chapter done!! Part 2 coming up...And Oh!! I wrote a new book , "Getting Her Back" Please Check It out :) And vote for that story and this one too :)

Bye :):):):)

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