Chapter 30: Surprise?

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Rydel's POV

Well today, Nat came over and we all were catching up.

"So, How's the album coming along?" Riker asked Nat.

"Well promotion is doing well, I just hope I sell more than 8,000 albums.I'm not really aiming that high," Nat took out her album and showed us," Cool cover," I said.

"Thanks, I feel weird and happy about this, not too used to having my name on the radio, well, at least I am doing what I love," she said.

"Hey so you moved to Nashville, how's it like there?" Ell asked.

"Quite Cool, oh! And the best part... There are like no paps there," she stated.

And we all chuckled.

"Luckily we're not famous," Riker said, and Nat interrupted," yet."

"Awe thanks girlfriend. Luv Ya!" Rocky said in his Cali girl accent.

"Anytime love." Nat replied in a British accent.

"So Nat, How was Sydney?" Ry asked. Oh, I know where this is going...

"Quite Cool!! A Koala bear clawed me, I sat on an ostrich, and I finally met my band, their so cool!!" She replied enthusiastically.

"Lol, I remember the time Rocky freaked out when a Kangaroo stood beside him," I laughed. Ok THAT was funny.

"Hey!! It's not my fault, he was so ninja like, I almost thought he was a person," Rocky defended himself.

"Who was naked... Or covered in fur." Natalie stated.

"Ew." We all said simultaneously.

"Oh I forgot to ask you this Nat, or tell you this, I LOVE TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR!! It's mah jammm."

"Aw thanks," she thanked.

"So soulful..." Riker joked.

"I need a moment," Rocky continued.

"You need a life, but Ya I cried," Ryland ended he joke.

"How did I end up with these clowns?!Someone explain this to me, I don't get it," Ell added.

"But seriously, I was really good," Riker praised.

"Wow, thanks, I'm really proud of that song, so thanks," Natalie took out 3 more of her albums," Hey, could you give them to Ross, Laura and Vanessa? I don't know what will they say, but, I'm gonna take my chances, I really hope they like the album," she passed the albums to me.

"Oh, about," I said, I don't know whether they will take it, but I really hope they do.

"Speaking about Ross...Nat, How are you taking the-break up?" Ry asked.

Real blunt Ry, Realllll blunt.

"Well, I guess I've been better, but, he'll find someone better, I know it," Natalie Said.

Silence filled the room.

"How is he?" She whispered.

"Just like how he was when we talked on the phone, Laura had to come over to convince him to go." I confessed, yes, I did talk to her after their break-up.

Hey I ain't gonna lose this best friend.

"Oh. I didn't know I had this kind of effect on him,"

"Oh Honey, you did, when you left, he was a mess," mom came in and sat beside Nat.

"Oh Hi Stormie," she smiled.

"Yup, he won't even touch Luna. Which is a BIG statement," dad came in.

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