Chapter 6

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Niall’s P.o.v

“Lou, give it up. You have lost three times.” I was getting sick of playing chess, but Lou had other plans.
“Just one more… PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE!?!?!” Louis got on his knees and gave me the puppy dog eyes. I groaned.
“Once more.” I allowed myself.

“Look, this is the 12th time Lou. I want to go to bed, or at least go somewhere.” I said getting up. We were staying in a very modern farm house. The lounge room was small with a fireplace and one arm chair and one two person lounge. I walked up the stairs and down a hallway into my room. There was a double bed against the wall, a window, desk and a wooden cupboard. I sat down on the bed. Liam, Harry and Zayn had left hours ago to go and buy us some food for the two weeks we were spending here. So far Australia had been pretty relaxing.

“NIALL!!” Liam yelled. Crap.
I ran down the stairs taking two at a time.
“What’s wrong?” the boys were surrounding the small TV in the kitchen. I walked over and – no - it can’t be - but it is -
“Why is this house on live TV?” I asked. The have found us. I just want one day ONE DAY to myself!!
“Well we need to leave. NOW.” Liam said grabbing the unpacked shopping bags. I walked up to my room and put everything back into my suitcase. When I got back downstairs, the boys were ready and waiting for me. Liam nodded, and we followed him outside.

Louis’ P.o.v

The moment we stopped outside, screams erupted. I smiled and waved, which only caused more screaming. I could tell Niall was wishing he was anywhere but here. I smiled over my shoulder at him. He relaxed a little. Liam was trying to gently push his way through the crowd with no such luck.

We were finally in the car I looked at the boys. Liam looked tired, Zayn was looking at his reflection in his phone, fixing his hair, Harry was rubbing his head where one girl grubbed a fistful of his hair, and Niall look depressed.

Niall P.o.v

I wasn’t feeling to well. My stomach kept doing backflips and I could feel vile rise in my throat. I looked out the window trying to distract myself but all I saw was trees. I threw up all over Louis and his favourite shirt.

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