Chapter 8

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Astrid P.o.v

Liam sat on the lounge next to Niall and put his head into his hands. I walked over and rubbed soothing circular pattern on his back.

“Why are you being so nice to us?” he asked through his hands. I thought about it.

“I guess it’s because I would feel guilty if I let Niall spew all over Louis again,” I said smiling. Liam looked up at me his eyes locked onto mine.

“Please don’t tell the press.” He said. I nodded. I would NEVER tell anyone anything about this day.

“I think I know what he’s got,” I said. I had seen this many times before with friends and family. “What’s he eaten recently?” I asked, hoping to be able to diagnose him.

“Hmmmm…well I cooked Kangaroo for him yesterday.” Liam’s eyes widened in shock as he realised what had happened. My theory was correct.

“Food poisoning. I‘ll ring the doctor.” I said and walked over to the phone.

Harry P.o.v

As soon as I knew Niall was safe, I went back out to the car. I sat in it and looked at the house and just let the peacefulness of the place wash over me. I had been stressing a lot lately, about Niall going into depression. He seemed so down lately, like nothing on Earth could make him smile ever again. I sighed, Niall was the last person I thought I would ever have to worry about going into depression, but that night when he came home - I don’t know something seemed - different.

I saw the door open and the girl walk out. I could see that she was on the phone; probably calling the doctor. I jumped out of the car and walked up the stairs to stand next to her.

“Thanks Jenny, we’ll be there in an hour. Bye” she hung up and sighed deeply.

“Hello, I’m Harry Styles.” I said. That was stupid of course she knows who you are!!!!

“Hi, I’m Astrid Riley.” She said. I stuck my hand out and she shook it.

“I’M THE CARROT KING.  DOO-DA – DOO-DA DAY. HEY!!!” Lou half-screamed half-sang as he walked out of the house with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“SHUT UP LOOOOUUUU!!” Astrid half-sung and half-screamed.

“AND PUT SOOOMME CLOTHES ON!!!” I yelled, and thought I was bad.

“I couldn’t find my clothes, then I remembered that they were in my suitcase, which I in the car.” Lou said as he walked down the stairs.

Astrid’s P.o.v

Salem had disappeared. Never mind, I thought as Louis grabbed his suitcase out of the boot of the car. I sighed and I opened my mouth to tell Harry to get the boy ready, but I was cut off by a loud girly scream. I turned around to see Salem run off towards the dam with Louis’ towel and Lou standing starch naked in the middle of the front lawn. Harry and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. I walked back into the house and walked over to Liam to tell him that they needed to get on the road now if they wanted to make the appointment that I had made for Niall.

Helloooo readers !!!!! this was a crap chapter and i'm sorry but i was half asleep while writing.

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