Chapter 29

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One month later

I’m now two months pregnant, and the only people who know are Veronica, Harry and Niall. I’m going to tell the boys today. I didn’t want to tell them until we were positive that I was pregnant. Veronica bought me an at home pregnancy test which came out positive. Niall and I had just been to the doctors and were now sitting in the car.

“What are you goin to tell management?’ I asked.

“Well seeing that we are going on tour soon they can’t kick you off and even if they say you can’t perform you will still have to come with us because of Lou.” He said as he parked the car. I let out a long sigh and he grabbed my hand.

“No matter what they say I still love you.” He said looking into my eyes.

“I love you to.” I said and he smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. We climbed out of the car and walked to Nialls apartment. I was really tired, so I planned what I was going to do once we got back the apartment. I’m going to have a hot bath, than put my pjs on and climb into bed and watch a move and drink chicken noodle soup. I had it all planned out.

“When we get back can I have a bath than watch a movie?” I asked and Niall put an arm around me.

“Of Corse you can love.” He said and kissed my forehead he opened the door, everyone was running around and screaming. Lou let out a loud scream which caused my head to pound.

“ENOUGH!!! EVERYONE SHUTH UP AND SIT ON THE LOUNGE!!” I screamed and everyone went silent and walked over and sat down on the lounge.

“Astrid and I have some good news.” Niall said and Lou rolled his eyes.                                     

“We know you are getting married.” He said.

“No, we are moving the wedding up to this month.” Niall said and the boy’s eyes widened.

“Why the hell are you doing that?” Liam asked and I looked him in the eye.

“I’m pregnant.” I said. All the boys eyes fell on me. Lou jumped up and placed his hand on my stomach and looked into my eyes.

“You are being serious.” Lou said and I nodded.

“I’m going to be the best uncle ever.” He said and did a happy dance.

“Astrid is really tired so if you don’t mind…” Niall trailed off and the boys caught on instantly. They reached hugged me and walked out. Veronica was coming next week for the wedding. Niall was going to Skype his parents tonight and tell them about the engagement and the pregnancy.

*Six hours later*   

“Hi, mum.” Niall said his mum. He was Skyping his parents from his bed and I was lying next to him.

“Hi baby, you said you had some important news.” His mum said and I like her already, she cuts to the chase.

“I’m engaged.” He said and his mum went silent. I heard her take a deep breath.

“Can I see her?” she asked and Niall looked at me and I nodded and sat up.

“Hello Mrs Horan, I’m Astrid.” I said when Niall turned the computer screen so I could see his mother.

“Hello Astrid, please call me Maura.” She said and I smiled. We talked about Niall for a bit than he talked to his mum.

“We also have something else to tell you.” He said.

“What might that be?” she asked and he looked at me and I nodded.

“Astrid is pregnant.” He said and I heard his mother gasp.

“Niall James Horan!” she exclaimed and I heard his dad walk in.

“What’s wrong?” I’m guessing Niall’s dad said.

“Niall is getting engaged to a girl he got pregnant.” She said and I could hear Niall’s dad tisk.

“Niall.” he said in a tired voice.

“He didn’t know that I was pregnant when he proposed.” I said suddenly and Niall turned to me.

“Astrid come where we can see you darling.” Maura said and I obeyed.

“What do your parents think about this?” she asked.

“Lou is ok with it.” I said than I realised that they didn’t know.

“Lou, as in Louis Tomlinson?” Niall’s dad asked.

“Yes, my parents died earlier this year and Lou adopted me.” I said and he nodded.

“How long ago did you two…?” Maura asked I saw Niall turn pink out of the corner of my eye.

“Two months.” I said and she nodded.

“We appreciate you telling us.” She said. We said our goodbyes and Niall turned Skype off. And I sighed and laid back against the pillows.

“Could you please turn the CD player on?” I asked and Niall stood up and turned the CD player on and Lego house played. I sighed and snuggled into him when he laid back down.

“I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you to.” He whispered back and I fell asleep thinking about my baby.

Sorry that the chapter is short but the next cupple are gunna be full of DRAMA

Loooottttttttssssss of lllllooooooooovvvvvv

Georgia XOXO

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