Chapter 4: {Bad news}

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"Akane,I think I have a plan that'll work everything out perfectly!"

"Really? What is it?"

"Well,because all of the doctors in Japan can't cure (y/n),we'll send her to America!"

"Is that really okay dear?"

"Yes,it'll work out fine."

"But then,when are we leaving?"

"Next week.I already prepared everything so let's just wait patiently."

"Okay,I'll tell (y/n) about it."

"No.It's best if I'm the one telling her."


"It's part of the plan."

"Okay then,I'll leave everything to you."

(Y/n) heared what her parents we're talking about and frowned.

"Does that mean...I'll leave Killua here?" (Y/n) asked herself.

(Y/n) was so down when she found out that her parents will send her to a place where she's not familiar with.What if she doesn't have any friends anymore? What will happen?

(Y/n) looked at her Teddy bears and remembered the first time she met Killua.

'You look crazy'

'E-eh? W-who are you?'

'Is it really that important to reveal my name to you?'

'W-well yeah,because I don't know you yet.'

'Killua.Killua Zoldyck.'

She frowned everytime she remembers the first time she met Killua because she doesn't want to get separated from him.Killua was her very first friend and now she'll leave him.

"I hate this! Because of this stupid sickness I'll be sent away!" (Y/n) throwed her pillow into the floor.

She crouched like a ball and put her head into her knees.She was just staring into her wall.

"I hate my life..." She mumbled.

(Y/n) opened her comforter and decided to just sleep away rather than to hear her parent's plan for her.


"Oi.(Y/n)..are you okay?" Killua asked his friend.

"Yes I'm okay..I'm just thinking about something." (Y/n) faked a smile then frowned.

"Is it because of what I did yesterday?" Killua pointed to himself.

"No." (Y/n) shook her head.

Killua crawled towards (y/n) and sit next to her.

"You know...I hate it seeing you being sad." Killua exclaimed.

"Really?" (Y/n) turned to look at Killua.

"Yeah,I just doesn't suit you at all." Killua replied.

(Y/n) chuckled and stood up.

"You know what? Your right.It doesn't suit me at all.I should be smiling right?" (Y/n) smiled sweetly at Killua which made him blush.

"Y-yeah.." Killua replied.

"Anyways,your face is red.Is something wrong?" (Y/n) took a closer look at Killua.Their face we're millimeters away from each other.

"O-oi! Your too close!" Killua backed away then blushed even harder.

(Y/n) was about to walk to Killua but someone knocked at her door.

"(Y/n) dear,are you there?" The voice sounded familiar.It was her father.

"H-haii!" (Y/n) answered.

"I'm coming in alright?"

(Y/n) looked at Killua.

"Quick.Killua hide.My father mustn't know that your here or else." (Y/n) said to Killua.

Killua nodded and hid on the other side of her bed.Her dad opened her door and smiled.He sat on her bed along with (y/n).

"(Y/n).." Her dad stroked her hair.

"Yes dad?"

"You know...well be leaving this place in a week.We're sending you to America to cure your sickness." Her dad exclaimed.But (y/n) already knew so her reactions weren't really that surprising.

"But..why America?" (Y/n) asked.

"I have a friend there.He's one of the world's top doctors and I bet he can cure you." Her dad replied.


"I know your sad because well leave Japan,but we have to,so that we can cure your sickness."

(Y/n) just nodded and frowned again.

"I'm really sorry (y/n)." Her dad kissed her on the forehead then went out of her room.

'I'm not sad because well gonna leave Japan,I'm sad because I'll have to leave Killua.' (Y/n) thought inside her head.

Killua went out of hiding and went to (y/n).

"Was that...was that the reason why your so down?" Killua asked her friend.

(Y/n) just nodded and looked away.

"(Y/n)...why didn't you tell me?"

"Because...I thought that when I'd tell you,you'll get angry." (Y/n) replied which made Killua snap.

"Y-you idiot! Why would I even be mad at you?!" Killua shouted at (y/n).

"Because..I'm leaving you Killua.." (Y/n) started crying all of a sudden.

"(Y/n)..." Killua pulled her into a hug and let her crying into his shoulders.

"I-im sorry...don't cry..." Killua pat her hair from behind.

" week is just two days from's too early to leave you!" (Y/n) hugged Killua tighter.

Killua made her face him and wiped her tears away using her thumb.

"Don't worry...even if you leave,I'll still remember you okay?" Killua comforted (y/n).

"Y-yeah..." (Y/n) wiped her tears away.

"Friends should stay friends forever right?" Killua smiled at (y/n).

(Y/n) nodded and smiled.

"Now..let's cherish the remaining days that well be together okay?" Killua pat her hair.


(A/n): The feels @-@ (I hate you self😑) ANYWAYS! *cries* Myeeeeehhhhh!!!!! Life without internet is harsh! #Sadlyf



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