N, the omega

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"I do not even know why we are celebrating sales of our new products. We could have made a better turnover, if we did not have a marketing team as bad, "said N. Ravi put down his glass and turned his head towards him. This man made him shit since the first time he had laid eyes on him. His instinct had not deceived him, this man was the worst of assholes. For N, everything that did not work was the fault of the marketing team in charge of selling the products he and his team created and manufactured. Still the same morning, N had entered his office without asking permission. He had thrown the results of the sales to his face and had reproached him for having badly promoted his new products. Ravi then became angry and sent him the document shouting louder than he. He was in no way inferior to this man, this N. On the contrary, they were on the same level: both director of their department. N was working with his team to create new decorating and furnishing items. Then it was the turn of Ravi and his team to make the product interesting in the eyes of customers and thus sell them. They should have complemented each other and worked as a team. But thanks to their incompatibility of personality, their places of work was a hell and the employees no longer knew how to react. Ravi would have liked to work under better conditions, but this man, this diva who thought himself the navel of the world, made him shit. How many times they had argued in front of the employees, in front of their boss, in front of customers, suppliers and even in the street. No, Ravi knew that N did not like him and it was reciprocal. He had just provoked him again before the employees and their boss came to celebrate their success in this restaurant. N reproached him for not having made more turnover, yet their boss was very satisfied with his work. Ravi turned to this man to tell him the bottom of his thoughts when he heard someone say stupid words.

"You two, for months you spend your time arguing. To the point that I wonder if you do not hide something from us, "says an employee laughing. "What do you mean by that?" Ravi asked. "Well, I too, before marrying my husband, spent my time arguing with him. In fact this is how our attraction had begun. So I wondered if in fact you would not be in love with each other. You often quarrel but in fact you could not live without each other, "the woman said. All the people around the table laughed and pointed to the couple N and Ravi were. The latter was vexed and even more vexed and annoyed to hear the reply of his colleague and enemy. " Me ? Cha Hakyeon, would I be in love with this man? You're crazy ? I would rather die than let him put a finger on me, "said N. Ravi wanted to strangle him. Who had told this man that he wanted him? No, on the contrary, further on he was from him and the happier he was. "I have standards. A man who is not even able to sell my products properly can not be a potential candidate, "N said, then he turned to Ravi and put his hand on his chest. "Sorry my dear but you're out . Besides, men like you do not interest me at all. I prefer them with a minimum of intelligence and know-how "says N. Ravi wanted to bump him, and used all his concentration to be able to control himself. "Stop provoking him Hakyeon. Ravi is a good employee and a very good seller. Thanks to him, your products sell well and have a good reputation. You should thank him instead of arguing with him.» Their boss said laughing. N pouted. "You're too nice to him boss," replied N. Ravi decided at that time that he had had enough. He would talk to this man and settle their differences, even if he had to use his hand if necessary.

Ravi waited in front of the bathroom door for N to come out. He had followed him as soon as he had announced that he was going to the bathroom. It was five minutes now. But Ravi was not in a hurry, he had all his time. He grabbed his colleague's arm as he saw him coming out of the toilet. " Ravi ? But what are you doing ? " asked N. Ravi did not answer and pulled on his arm to take him to a quieter place, far from the people's eye. He found a room where there was no one. He pushed N into the room and closed the door. "What do you think you're doing? Do you know who I am ? I command you to let me go, "cried N." You have nothing to order me Hakyeon. You and I have exactly the same status in this business so stop making your important , "Ravi replied. N seemed to be in shock and also seemed to be afraid. "I warn you, if you dare raise your hand on me, I ..." began N. "Do you believe that all men are like you? I would not lower myself to striking a helpless man. I just want to talk to you, "Ravi said. N then regained self-confidence and challenged Ravi's gaze. "Then speak quickly and let me go. To breathe the same air as you makes me vomit, "said N. These words made Ravi angry and he went straight to N." Why are you always obliged to belittle me? Why do you hate me so much?» Ravi asked, placing N on the wall. The latter struggled and freed himself from Ravi's arms. "Since when do we need excuses to hate a person. I hate you that's all, " said Hakyeon. Ravi felt that he had nothing more to do. N hated him and loved to blame him for no reason. So he had to give him the same treatment as well. The war was declared. He untied his tie and opened a button of his shirt. It was hot. Very hot. Why was he so warm? And then he was able to smell an enchanting and sweet smell. An odor that awakened all his senses. An odor that made him want to ..... want to .... Ravi turned to N and could not believe what he saw.

No, it was impossible. IMPOSSIBLE. No Omega could access a position as high as department head. They were too unstable for that. No, it could not be the truth. Yet Ravi had to go to the obvious. N was sitting on the floor and had great difficulty controlling his hormones. He was in heat. Ravi could see him trembling and begging. Ravi could also hear the noise of people outside. They had to be attracted by the strong, tempting smell of an omega in heat. Ravi ran quickly and put the lock on the door. "Get out ... get out of here," said N between two breaths. He was exhausted. The urge was too strong. "You're an omega, aren't you?" Ravi asked. N bit his lip to control himself. His body betrayed him. "My ... my jacket ... please," tried to say N. Ravi knew that Omega needed their suppresents to calm their ardor. N had to put them in the pocket of his jacket. "Sorry, but your jacket is outside and I have no desire to open this door and get shoved by a group of people attracted by your smell and who would all want to rape you," Ravi replied. An object missed his face. N had just thrown him an object in his face. " You, bastard," said N between two groans. He immediately put his hand in front of his mouth to stop himself moaning aloud. "There's no point fighting. You're an omega. You can not lie to me. Your body can not lie. You can not escape your destiny and to tell  the truth , me neither, "said Ravi. These words frightened N who tried to escape, but his body no longer belonged to him. He was going to lose. "So all this time, you pretended to be a person you were not. You pushed vice to humiliate me in public, me an alpha.» Said Ravi. He saw N open his eyes wide. "Yes I'm an alpha, but you should have known it for a long time. Besides, you must know the effect that an omega makes in front of an alpha?» Ravi said. He saw N shake his head and still try to run away . "I ... I forbid you ... to touch me," said N. "You can not forbid me anything," Ravi said, throwing himself at him.

"No ... no," N pleaded, but his body was telling another story. Every kiss or caress of Ravi made him shiver and spread his legs even more. His body wanted this man to touch him, caress him and possess him, but his reason asked him to stop. It was Ravi, the man he hated most in the world. Yet his pleasure never ceased to rise in him. He only wanted to feel and enjoy. He was unable to control his moans of pleasure. He hated that omega part of him that urged him during his fertility week to want to belong to someone, to want to sleep with anyone as long as he was able to satisfy him. Ravi did a great job but he was an alpha, someone who was able to steal his life. Yet N could not restrain a cry of pleasure. He wanted more. Much more. The panic took him when he felt Ravi move away from him. "What the hell are you doing? Come back here, "said N. Ravi laughed. "It is said that an alpha can not resist an omega in heat. That is true. But since I'm not the only alpha in this place, I also think of inviting other people. What do you think about it ?» Ravi threatened. "Bastard," replied N. "If you do not want me to do it, then beg  me » said Ravi. He saw the face ravaged with hatred of N. Ravi did not want to come to this situation, but he was angry. So mad. He still remembered N's words at the beginning of the evening: "Me? Cha Hakyeon, would I be in love with this man? You're crazy ? I would rather die than let him put a finger on me. " He wanted him to beg him to touch him. Ravi wanted N to beg him to make love to him. At that moment, in this place, he was his only savior and he had the power to calm him down or destroy him. "So I'm waiting," said Ravi. N would like to insult him but his honor was worthless when he was in heat. The omega in him needed this alpha. He had to satisfy his thirst for pleasure. "Please," said Hakyeon, biting his lips. Ravi fell on him without waiting. He turned ihim to the ground and entered him. A hoarse moan answered him. Ravi did not take the time to wait and began to move in him slowly at first, then more and more quickly. He had done everything to convince N that he could not sleep with him, but the truth was that he was an alpha, and for him the smell of that omega made him crazy with desire. He wanted to possess him and make him enjoy it. He increased the rhythm and allowed his tongue to approach dangerously from N's neck. He began to lick it gently and without realizing it, his teeth sank into N's neck. He had just bit him. Ravi knew what that meant. He had just claimed N as his partner. Now N belonged to him.

Hello my fireflies, again, I could not refrain myself from writing this story. Aren't they too cute? Ahhhhhhhh .... God hum I need to come back to earth. OK, Leave me comments and votes. Lots of love.

Hate, passion and desire : omegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now