The surprise

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"This man could become one of our most profitable financial partners. Then you will have to make a good impression and show him the quality of the products we sell. I would not tolerate any surprise at this meeting. At the slightest error, I put you out. " Hakyeon could still remember the words of his boss before the meeting. He had made great efforts to be presentable and to explain the advantages of their products. He could sense the curious look of this stranger. Did he know he had an omega in front of him? Would he trust him? Would he invest in their business? Hakyeon wanted everything to go well because his future depended on it. He was used to the worst and this room full of businessmen did not frighten him. He was only afraid of the possibility of losing his job if he did not offer a beautiful presentation. Yet, he had to admit it, he did not feel well. He continued to have nausea and dizziness. He did not understand the reason. No man apart from Ravi had touched him for days. And he was beginning to feel better. But for a few days he was waking up with big nausea, he had little appetite and he felt heavy and odd. Coming to work every morning had become a chore. But for today, he had to succeed and finish this presentation then participate in a working meal, then he could be free to go and rest at home. Hakyeon felt a violent nausea which prevented him from continuing his speech. Oh shit, it did not have to be seen. But he was on the verge of vomiting. He had no choice but to run to the nearest bathroom. He felt his belly contract with every vomit. He was tired of it and especially he hated his life.

Hakyeon felt a hand resting on his forehead and raising his hair, while another hand gently tapping his back to help him vomit. When Hakyeon's vomiting calmed down, someone cleaned his face with a damp towel. N raised his eyes and recognized Ravi. His face became serious. " What are you doing here ? I do not need you, "said N. Ravi did not answer, he took the time to wipe his face and help him stand up. Then Hakyeon walked over to the sink and rinsed his mouth with a few sips of water. He looked at his face in the mirror. He could barely recognize his reflection in the mirror, but it did not matter. He had to finish his presentation otherwise he would lose his job. Hakyeon turned to the door but Ravi barred his way. "You should go to the hospital. You do not look good.» Said Ravi. "I'm fine, and I do not need your help," N said out of the bathroom. Ravi did not insist. Hakyeon took a breath of air to give himself courage. He was almost done. Upon returning to the meeting room, he saw the murderous eyes of his boss. His heart raged. Had he committed the irreparable? He still forced himself to continue his presentation. But he was not better. It was hot. Very hot. He had trouble breathing. His head turned and his eyes became blurred. He felt  arms holding his waist as his body swung back. He heard Ravi say, "That's enough. This time I take you to the hospital. " Hakyeon closed his eyes. He had fainted.

Ravi could not stop pacing. He was too nervous. Since he had brought Hakyeon to the emergency room, he had not seen him again and no one was giving him news. It had been more than an hour now. He felt anxious and afraid for his companion. He knew well that N and he were not a perfect couple and that they did not love each other. Yet he felt responsible for himself. He felt this desire to protect him especially when Hakyeon acted like an idiot. The door of the waiting room opened. "Mr. Kim Ravi," a nurse asked. Ravi ran to her. "Is he okay?" He asked. "Are you his husband?" The nurse asked. "Yes," said Ravi without hesitation. The woman smiled and motioned to follow her. Ravi followed her. He went through the emergency department and found himself in another area. The woman knocked at a door and opened it to let Ravi pass. As soon as Ravi crossed the threshold of the door, he realized that something was wrong. He saw Hakyeon lying on a table. He had a machine with a screen that emitted sounds. A woman in a white coat was next to Hakyeon and had an object placed on his stomach. Ravi noticed that Hakyeon did not look him in the eye. He kept his head on the other side and made small sniffs from time to time. Was he crying? Ravi wondered. "Ah, are you his husband? Nice to meet you, I'm Doctor Lee.» Said the woman. Ravi was not interested in all these blah blah thing, he just wanted to know if N was okay. "Is he ..." Ravi began. The doctor interrupted him. "Do you hear that sound, Mr. Kim?" She asked. Ravi nodded his head. "Okay, and do you hear this one?" She asked again, shifting her hand. Ravi took the time to listen. It was not strong, but he could hear a lot of heartbeats. He nodded his head again. The doctor gave him a big smile. "These are the heartbeats of your future baby. Congratulations, you're going to be a dad, "she said. Ravi was in shock. DAD ?. He was going to be a dad.? No, it was impossible. "I'll let you talk together. I'll be back in a few minutes, "the doctor said before leaving the room. Ravi could not move. He was still in shock.

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