Alpha and oméga

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"A simple omega can not be a manager in our company. You betrayed me. Be lucky to have some talent, but at the first blunder I put you out. " Hakyeon still heard the voice of his boss in his head. His lie had broken  and all the people he worked with felt betrayed. But especially more than treason, the fact that he was an omega was becoming a major problem. Hakyeon could still hear the murmurs of people in the corridors: "How could I be so afraid of this man? He is a simple omega. He should not be a part of the leadership, "said one girl. "Yes, I'm beta, I feel more important than this man who has not stopped lying to us for two years," replied one of his colleagues. Hakyeon could hear everything from them. Of course, until now none of them had had the courage to challenge him. People insulted him on his back, and Hakyeon pretended not to know. Yes, he was afraid. He was afraid of losing that job for which he had worked so hard. He was proud to say that he had succeeded thanks to his talent. And today, this talent was his only means of survival. His boss threatened him. He was going to lose his job, his status, if he did not give his maximum. His omega nature still condemned him to suffer and to suffer the mockery of people. He was used to it and he had decided to fight as he had always done. He could do it. He could be an omega and lead a happy life without depending on anyone. Once his resolve was taken, Hakyeon felt better. He was less sad, but suddenly the door of his office opened and revealed the man he hated  most in the world. The man he did not want to see again in his life.

"How dare you enter my office without knocking at the door?» Hakyeon asked firmly. Ravi did not take the time to reply. He stepped forward and threw a document on the table. " What is it ?» Hakyeon asked. "It's up to you to tell me," Ravi said coldly. Hakyeon had no choice but to take the document and read it. He quickly understood the situation. A customer had not received the correct order. This had never happened to him in several years of service as he took the time to check each order. He could not afford to have an unhappy customers. "How could this happen?" Ravi asked. "I do not know," replied Hakyeon. This answer put Ravi in anger. "Do you think that my team and I are struggling to find reliable customers so that your team and you can fuck up everything ?» shouted Ravi. "Your job is to sell the products I create, so take care of your sales and leave me alone," replied Hakyeon, screaming as well. "What is the point of finding customers if you can not satisfy them?» Ravi yelled. "The fact that I am able to satisfy the customers or not, does not concerns you. It is I who creates all these products. It is my job that people love. You are merely a salesman without a future. So do your job and leave me alone, " Hakyeon shouted. He felt the danger as soon as Ravi's cold, frosty gaze fell on him. Ravi was very angry and it was Hakyeon's fault.

Hakyeon felt Ravi throw himself on him in a matter of seconds. He found himself sticking to the wall, his arms trapped behind his back. Ravi's body formed a barrier in front of him. "How many times, should I remind you that you and I have the same status in this business? I would even say that I am superior to you. Have you ever forgotten your nature as an omega? I remind you that I am your alpha and master. Without me you're nothing, " said Ravi. Hakyeon tried to struggle. No, he belonged to nobody, and especially not to Ravi. This man was not his mate. He did not want him as a companion. " Fight as many times as you like, but you will always come back to me, because you and I are now a couple," said Ravi. "You're nothing to me," Hakyeon replied, trying to kick him to free himself. That made Ravi smile. He stuck closer to his partner. "You did not say that when you whimpered in my arms," ​​said Ravi. "You're just a pervert. I should call the police because you raped me that night, "replied Hakyeon, challenging him. Ravi looked at him with big eyes. "A rape? Are you sure that this is rape when the person is consenting?» Ravi asked. Hakyeon opened his mouth to answer him but Ravi took advantage of it to possess his lips. He gave him a fiery kiss to whom Hakyeon replied without restraint. Ravi's hands ventured under Hakyeon's shirt, which bent his head back under the effect of pleasure. Ravi put kisses on his lover's neck and licked his skin. He could hear slight groans escape from his lover's lips. Ravi continued to lay kisses on Hakyeon's neck, and went up gently to his ear: "You see, I was right. You are willing, "muttered Ravi before leaving the room, leaving a completely lost and frustrated Hakyeon.

Hate, passion and desire : omegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now