a reminder to a memory

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Don't sit there and do nothing
If you sit there and do nothing you'll regret it
Maybe it's because you don't know you'll regret it right now
Which means it hurts
Even more
Don't just sit there
Smiling sadly
As he throws small stones
At a barbed wire fence
You'll regret it
When he shoves a cold pebble down your shirt
Don't arch your back and scrunch up your face
Laugh and fall into his lap
Look up at him
And tell him
Tell him how you feel
You'll regret not
Don't just sit there and feel sorry for yourself
You have no reason to
He's right there
Next to you
Grab his hand
Or place your head gently on his shoulder
Don't just look at him smiling
And feel a pang inside
You'll regret it
Because what you don't know right now
Is that he wants you too
He's confused
He don't quite know what he wants
But he still feel that little pang
He still notices those moments
Those moments when you want nothing more
Than to lean in close
And connect your lips to his
Those moments he sees too
But he doesn't know what he wants right now
But don't worry
He feels those moments too
So kiss him
Like there's no tomorrow
Because trust me
You won't get another chance
Because he won't have these feelings tomorrow
You'll regret not
Because one day
On day soon
You'll go to that spot
That spot where you're sitting right now
On the grass
Next to a field
You'll sit there and scream at the sky
Because you did nothing
You'll sit there and you'll cry
You'll punch the grass around your feet
And sob into your hands
And you'll hurt so much inside
Because you did nothing
It'll try to rip you apart
Inside out
Your eyes will be red
And your eyelashes will clump together
As salt water trickles down your face
And your throat will burn from screaming
And you'll wipe snot away from your nose
And then you'll cry some more
All because you did nothing
You don't know it right now
But you'll regret doing nothing
You'll regret the way you stayed silent
You'll regret the way you didn't take notice at the way he looked at you
You'll regret the way you never listened to his voice when he asked if you were okay
You'll regret the way you just sat
That day
The way you sat and did nothing
Because you didn't need to
You'll regret it

memoirs of a depressed teenagerWhere stories live. Discover now