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So I'm angry right?
My stomach starts burning
I'm so fucking angry
It's like all the acid wants to burn a hole
Right through
So that the whole world
Can see my insides
And what I'm really like
How terrified I am of being alone
How I just want someone to love me
The way I love them
For fucking once
and I'm angry
I'm so angry my legs start to shake
Like they're about to collapse
Under the weight of a world
Maybe it's not the whole world
But it's my world
And it's overflowing with pain
And depression
and dark corners where you never want to go
And my legs want to fold
From underneath me
So that I'm lying
Face down on the cold dark earth
Smelling of early spring flowers
and the heat of the summer days to come
And I'm angry
I'm so angry my head is spinning
Round and round in circles
Like my thoughts
Trying to escape
But they keep going back
And I'm so fucking angry
I just want to anger to end
Because it's destroying me

memoirs of a depressed teenagerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora