echo - part 1

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imagining me there
a part of them
an echo of him
screaming out the lyrics
like they're a part of my soul
bleeding out of my mouth
mascara tears striping my face
stripping me of outside noise
only his voice ricocheting around the inside of my mind
like a bullet around an empty room
his glorious voice filling my every thought
voice cracking with the effort of screaming
louder than I thought possible
except I'm not there
I'm at home
or on a walk
earphones on blasting
like a morphine drip
seducing me into comfort that isn't really there
tears streaking down my plain face
caking it with fantasy
lying to my own brain
sad smiles can't hide
the pain I feel inside
because as much as I can recreate a scenario in my brain
it doesn't make it true
this is as close as I get
as close as I get to being there
a part of him
an echo of them
phone lights waving
all of us knowing every word
of every song
because we're all the same
boiled down to it
all humans sharing a moment in time
and a mutual love
for the man on the stage
he saved my life
through music
and I couldn't be more grateful
but it doesn't mean I get to
stand there
in a mass of bodies
clothes sticking to skin
heat creating tension
adrenaline in abundance
water in deficiency
bodies crushing one another
as they all try to see
the man on the stage
guitar in one hand
microphone in the other
and I will imagine myself there
a part of them
an echo of him
an echo of them
as I become a part of him

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