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so it's rubbing lips together
what makes the adrenaline rush
fizzle up in your stomach
is it the person?
the action?
the circumstance?
i remember kissing
i remember how unreal it felt
at the same time
as being the only thing in the universe
but i haven't kissed someone
properly kissed someone
someone i care about
someone who cares about me
someone who wants me to enjoy the moment
as much as they do
i want to remember
that feeling of being lifted off the floor
that feeling of ecstasy
like nothing else matters
because you are only alive in that moment
and god are you so alive
you have never been more alive
because your skin is on fire
and your mind is alight
and your soul is burning
through your eyes
as lust and love take over
every action
and hands hastily
grab at skin and clothes and hair
and mouths press against each other
like they're drowning
and looking for oxygen
but it's not oxygen they're looking for
it's something different
something just as important
something within the other person
that they want
they need
so they kiss
and press against each other
skin on skin
hand in hand
lips on lips
finding that feeling
that i've forgotten

memoirs of a depressed teenagerWhere stories live. Discover now