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The last thing Hank honestly expected from the evening was to catch sight of a face peeking through the small gap in between the door and the frame. He just sat there, book truly forgotten in front of him. The book from the other week hadn't even been started, Hank got distracted by other things, but now that spare time had appeared, he had fully intended to use it to his advantage. Alex was still who only knew where, Charles was back in his room, Lola was upstairs, and he was just time wasting. Only now, now he wasn't alone. Surely she was exhausted? The temperature he took from her when she was out of it was off the charts, no wonder she passed out. It was a surprise she hadn't already really. So it begged the question of: what was she doing up?

She sheepishly grinned, "Hi."

"Hello," Hank replied and slowly shut his book. Standing he moved towards the door, opening it up fully he looked down at her. She had seemingly cleaned herself up, her hair looked free from the rain drenched tangles. Hank wasn't too certain how much of the shampoo or soap she had used, but his nose couldn't help but scrunch up slightly. Senses were a pain, but that was something else entirely. He shook his head and looked at her again, his gaze had sort of flitted off to the side. It seemed she had hunted out a change of clothes too, she now stood in one of the tracksuits Hank and the others had worn to first train in. He couldn't help but frown, he honestly didn't know they were still poking around. He guessed that they would be, it wasn't like anyone got rid of them. Pointing slowly to her bag, Hank looked at her questionably. She was clutching it in her hands, almost not wanting to let it go. Even as she stood Hank could see water still dripping from it.

"Oh! Erm, delicate matter this...I don't have clothes, except the ones in here. Catch my drift, Hank?" Lola said with wide eyes and an awkward chuckle. Hank looked thoughtful before he cottoned on. "Yeah...so...where's your laundry room? Or washing machine? Trust me, I would rather have clean clothes...I mean, honestly, I don't make a habit of living in things for a long period of time. It isn't really the best feeling or thing in the world." Lola said casually, Hank tilted his head, "Oh!" She looked close to rambling something else out only to let out a quiet exclaim. Only because Hank had reached up and placed the back of his hand against her forehead. He looked at her sternly, Lola raised an eyebrow not getting what that expression was all about.

"Your fever has gone down quickly." He said, surprisingly quickly at that. Removing his hand he edged around her and put his hands in his pockets and nodded for her to follow.

"You make it sound like a bad thing!" She called out and tottered after him, her bare feet quietly padding against the dark wood of the floor.

Hank rolled his eyes, "Anyone else would be laid up for a week."

"A bath works wonders, what can I say?" She sounded rather dreamy about the whole affair which just made Hank's eyes widen. The less of that the better, he side eyed her before showing her to the earlier mentioned machine. She wasted no time pulling every item of clothing out and stuffing it in quickly. She slammed the door and stood back, the machine rather loudly kicked into life and did its job. With a satisfied sigh she crossed her arms.

Hank looked around before shuffling back, she could find her way back to her room. She had found her way down here after all, she wouldn't need his help anymore. He paused though and tilted his head when he heard something, he'd grown used to the heightened senses thing, it was something which had become stronger since his accident with the serum. But listening, or being able to hear hungry sounds originating from Lola was just too much. He looked over his shoulder at her as she rubbed at her stomach.

He sighed and hung his head while walking back to her, she remained loitering in the door. "You're hungry," he stated rather obviously. Lola looked up at him confused, Hank opened his mouth, only to shut it with a shake of his head. "The kitchen is this way, come on. I'm sure we have something that you can eat." To be honest, he couldn't remember the last time anyone went food shopping. So really, he hoped there was something, anything edible loitering in the cupboards.

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