The Village

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Rose and Alex went to the village. But first they had to go threw the forest that surrounded the castle. "How long until we get there?" Alex asked Rose. "I don't know Alex." She said. It took them a little while to get to the village because they had to walk through the forest and a couple of hills. It took them about thirty minutes. The village looked small on the top of the hills. But once they got there it was huge. There was so many people. Rose and Alex weren't use to seeing that many people. But they were okay with it. It was something new they've never tried so they were okay with it. Plus, their grandfather lived in the village. But he usually goes to the castle to see them.

"Do you want to see grandpa right now?" Alex asked Rose. They were near a water fountain. "Umm.... Let's go to that library first." Rose said pointing to the library. They both walked into the library together. There was no one in there. Except a man. He was somewhere in his early 40's maybe. He was kind of tall and had brown hair. "Bonjour, Are you two looking for any kind of book?" He asked looking at Rose and Alex. "She is. I don't like to read it's boring to me." Alex told the man. "He doesn't do a lot trust me. I love books because they take me to different places." Rose said looking at the man. "That's wonderful. You know what I have the book for you." He told Rose. He got on his ladder and went to the top shelf and grabbed a book. "Here you go." The man said handing the book to Rose. "What's the book about?" Rose asked. "It's about a women who lives in Italy who falls in love with a man. But her family doesn't approve. But she loves the man a lot and goes on adventures with him." The man told Rose. "Thank you so much. I will return it by the end of this week." "Okay. Have fun."

Rose and Alex walked out of the library. "Can we go see grandpa now?" Alex asked Rose. "Alright lets go." She said as she held the book in her hands. They went up the little steps of their grandfather's little house. "Well aren't you going to knock?" Rose asked Alex. "Why do I have to knock?" Alex asked Rose. "You have to knock becausepyou wanted to come here." "That doesn't mean I have to knock." "Yes it does. Just knock." "Fine." Alex knocked on the door. Maurice opened the door. "Alex, Rose its so great to see you again." He said giving them a big hug. "You to grandpa." Rose and Alex said giving him a hug back. "Come in." Maurice said. "Well how did you two sneak out of the castle to get here?" He asked them as they sat on the couch, and him in his chair. Rose and Alex laughed.

  "We didn't sneak out. Mom let us." Alex told him. "Actually it's more like dad let us. He persuaded mom to let us come here." Rose said. "Well that's because they care about you that's all. I understand." Maurice told Rose and Alex. "Grandpa we're eighteen now we should be allowed to go anywhere." Rose said. "If I want to fall in love with a normal guy I will. If Alex falls in love with a normal girl will our parents hate us?" Rose said with a little anger in her voice. "Understand what you're saying but your parents are just trying to help you two. You two have so much to look forward to." Maurice said. "I mean Rose you're going to be queen of this place one day. And Alex you're going to be an explorer like you always wanted to be." Alex looked down at his hands. "How can I an explorer if I can't even leave the castle?" He said looking up at Maurice. "And how am I suppose to be a queen when I can't even marry someone that I love?" She said looking at him too.

"I'm sorry you two. I would let you go places. And I would let you date normal people. Let me talk to your parents okay." Maurice said. "You would do that grandpa?" Alex said. "Of course I would do anything for you two." He said giving Alex a hug. "Well we should be getting back to the castle before they come looking for us." Alex said standing up. Maurice and Rose stood up. They walked towards the door. "Goodbye you two." Maurice said giving them a hug. Alex walked down the steps and waved goodbye. As Rose was walking down the steps she felt someone touch her wrist. She looked back and saw her grandfather.

  "I have one question for you." Maurice told Rose. "What is it grandpa?" She asked him as he let go of her wrist. "Why don't you want to marry a prince or a king?" "I don't want to because I want a normal man. One that doesn't really care about me being a princess." "That guy will be the most luckiest man in the world." Maurice said. Rose smiled and gave him a hug. "I love you grandpa." "I love you too." They broke their hug and walked their separate ways. "What did grandpa want?" Alex asked Rose. "Nothing. Are you hungry?" "Yea thanks for asking." Alex said. "Well looks like you have to wait until we get to the castle." Rose said laughing. "That wasn't very funny." Alex said folding his hands as they walked. "I thought it was pretty funny." Rose said as she kept laughing. She put her arm around her brother. "I love you Alex." "You may be a pain but I love you too." Alex said.

Hey everyone I didn't go to school today because I need a break from learning. Anyway I hope you're liking this book so far. Please vote and comment. Also check out my other books. Thank You. :) PEACE

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