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  Rose woke up and went downstairs. Everyone was eatting. She sat in between Alex and Lumiere. "Good morning my little Rose." Belle and Adam said. She just ate. "Well Rose are you ready to marry me since you can't marry Gaston?" Chip said with a smirk. Rose looked at Chip. "Actually I thought long and hard last night. The only people who care about me are Alex, Lumiere and Gaston. So I have decided I'm not marrying you. I'm marrying Lumiere." Adam almost choked. "What? You can't do that." Chip said angry. "I can do what ever I want. I'm almost 18." She said with a smirk. "Yep and we are going on our first date today." Lumiere said. Rose nodded. "We are going to walk around." Lumiere told everyone. "Where are you walking?" Adam asked. "Somewhere Master."

  Rose gave Chip a smirk. "I'm going to get ready." Rose said getting up and walking to her room. "She has to marry me." Chip said. "She doesn't have to. I like her and Lumiere together." Alex said with a smile. "Well thank you Alex." Lumiere said giving him a smile. Rose came down and told everyone good bye. "Alex if you need us you know where we are." Rose told Alex. Rose and Lumiere walked out and left. "Where are they going?" Everyone kept asking Alex. "It's called why does it matter you guys don't care about her or her feelings. So why do you care now?" Alex told everyone. He got up and went to his room. "Great now both of our kids hate us." Adam told Belle. "It's your fault." "Why is it my fault?" "You wouldn't let her date Gaston." "That's because its Gaston." "Sometimes people change have you thought about that?" Belle said.

  Rose and Lumiere waited for Alex to come. They saw him leave out the front door. "Hey guys." He said smiling. "Ready to go to the village?" Lumiere asked Alex and Rose. They both nodded. They walked and talked about things. When they got to the village Rose looked for Gaston. She saw lights in his tavern but nobody was in there. Rose, Lumiere and Alex walked in. "No you two need to get out." Lafou told them. "Lafou there's three of us." Rose said. "I don't care. Leave." "Where's Gaston?" "Why do you want to know. You broke his heart. Justlike your mom." Lafou told Rose. She walked over to him. She slamed him on the table. "I'm not my mum. So I suggest you go get him." Rose told Lafou. Lafou got up. "Fine. You may look like your mom but you have your father's temper." Lafou went and got Gaston.

  Gaston walked and saw Rose. "Rose why are you here?" He asked her walking over to her. "I came back because I love you." She said smiling. "But your dad. How did you leave?" She looked over at Lumiere. She smiled and He smiled and winked at her (Gif). "Well my family thinks me and him are on a date right now." Gaston looked at Lumiere. "So you guys are not dating?" Gaston asked confused. "Nope we are friends. But to her parents and everyone else at the castle. We are." Gaston laughed. "That's funny." They all started laughing. "Well guess what I did when I came back to the village last night?" Gaston told Rose and Alex. "What?" They asked.

  "I talked to your grandfather." Gaston told them. "You did. He let you in his house?" Rose said. "Yeah he said he saw us the other day talking. He said he loves us together." Alex smiled. "Thta's so cool. It's crazy." Alex said. "Crazy old Murice." Rose said laughing. Gaston laughed and gave Rose a hug. "That's my girlfriend. Crazy old Murice." People came into the tavern. Everyone sat at the table except for Lafou. So Lumiere took his spot. "So are you guys planning on coming everyday?" Gaston asked everyone. "I wish but I think they will know we are coming down here everyday." Rose told him. Gaston looked at Lumiere. "Are you okay from last night?" Gaston asked Lumiere. "Yeah thank you." Gaston nodded. "Well since I can't see you everyday I need Alex and Lumiere to do something for me." They looked at him. "What?"

  "I need you two to make sure Chip doesn't get near Rose. I want you two to keep her safe." Gaston told them. "Okay." They told Gaston. "Thank you guys this means a lot." They got up and said they had to leave. Gaston thanked Alex and Lumiere again. Rose stood in front of him. "I will see you in a few day." She told him. He nodded. "I love you." Gaton told her. "I love you too. She gave him a hug and left. They walked back into the castle. "ALEX!!!" Belle yelled. She went to the top of the steps. She ran down them. "Where did you go Alex?" She asked him. "I went outside. I saw them coming back and came in with them." Alex told her. "Oh okay." Belle looked at Rose and Lumiere. "How did the date go?" Rose looked at her mom. "Great." Rose pulled Lumiere with her up the steps. Alex fallowed behind them.

Hey everyone sorry for the short chapter. I hope you guys like it. Anyways vote and comment. Also check out my other two books. Vote and comment on them too. PEACE:)


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