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  Belle stood at the top of the steps with Adam. "Alright ladies and gentlemen. Can you please leave. Thank you for coming to our party." She said with a big smile. Rose, Alex, Gaston, and Lumiere were in the bathroom. Rose was dabbing a rag on Lumiere's lip. When he got hit it started to bleed. "Rose what do we do about Gaston?" Alex asked her. "I don't know?" There was a knock on the door. Everyone stood still. "Get the door Alex." Rose said in a whisper. He walked towards the door and opened it. "Hey are you okay in there?" Belle asked him. "Yeah mum. All good." He said giving her a smile. "Why do you have the door cracked?" She asked him. She pushed him aside. "Mum please don't." He said. She looked at him.

  "You're hiding something." She told him. "Mum no I'm not." He said laughing. She smiled at him. "ADAM!" She called him. Adam stood by Belle. "Yes?" He said. "He's hiding something. Go in there and check." Belle said. Rose put Gaston in the tub and closed the curtains. Lumiere scooted towards the mirror that was hanging above the sink. Rose sat up there with him. So he was in the back and she was in front. Adam pushed Alex out of the way. "Hi papa." Rose said waving at Adam. "Hello sweetheart. Why are you on the counter with him?" He asked with a confused look. Alex and Belle stood beside him. "Chip punched him. He started bleeding. So Alex and I are taking care of it." Rose said with a smile. Lumiere smiled too (Gif). Gaston's elbow hit the wall in the shower. It caused a loud sound.

  Lumiere hit his head against the wall. Adam looked at him. "Did you hear that?" Belle asked. "Yeah I hit my head by accident. Sorry." "No in the shower." Adam said. Rose got off the counter. "Papa please don't." She said grabbing his arm. "You're being silly let go Rose." He said pushing her off of him. He pulled the curtains back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!" He yelled. "Papa don't hurt him please?" She said hugging Gaston. "What are you doing? Get away from him." Belle said. "No. I love him." Rose said. "I forbid this. I thought you were with Lumiere?" Adam said. "No. Alex and I have been going to the village to see him." Rose said not letting go of Gaston. "LEAVE GASTON NOW!!" Adam yelled. He got out of the tub. He waved good bye to Rose.

  Rose sat in the bathtub. "Rose you're to good for him." Belle told Rose. "Look at your dress. It's like you. Torn a little. But lovely." Belle told her. "Mum leave me alone right now okay." Rose told Belle. Belle got up. "Come on Alex and Lumiere." She said pushing them out. Rose sat in the bathtub and put her knees up. She put her head down and started to cry. Belle stood outside her bedroom door. Lumiere and Alex stood in front of her. "Is papa sleeping?" Alex asked. "I don't know but he's in there. I'm mad at you two." She said pointing at them. "Why us?" Alex said. "You two are responsible for her." Lumiere and Alex got mad. "NO MUM YOU AND DAD ARE! BUT YOU KNOW, YOU TWO DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT STUFF!" Alex yelled.

  He stormed off. "Belle, Gaston really did love her." Lumiere said. Then, he walked off. Belle went into her room. Alex went towards his room. Lumiere followed behind him. "Alex!" Lumiere whispered yelled. Alex turned around. "Yeah?" "I'm going to check on Rose do you want to come?" "No I just need to sleep. Tell her I love her." Alex told Lumiere. "Okay." Lumiere turned around to go to the bathroom. Alex went into his bedroom and fell asleep. Lumiere knocked on the bathroom door. "Can I come in?" He didn't hear anything. "Rose?" He started to get worried. He open the door and saw her with her head down. Her head was on her knees in the bathtub. He walked towards her. "Rose are you okay?" He asked. She picked up her head. Her mascara was running. "No." Rose told Lumiere. "Come here." Lumiere told her.

  "Here take off your heels and sit on the counter." Rose did as told. He went towards the shelf to get a rag. He turned on the sink and put water on it. "Alright look up." Lumiere told Rose. She looked up. He wiped the mascara off. "Lumiere?" Rose asked while he was helping her off the counter. "Yes?" She stood in front of him. "Why are you so nice to me?" Rose asked Lumiere. "I'm nice to you because I like you. As a friend. I will always like you no matter what." He smiled. "Awww thank you Lumiere. I love you." She said giving him a hug. "I love you too." They hugged for a bit. "Alright you need sleep." Lumiere said pulling away. "Okay. I will see you tomorrow." They walked out the bathroom. Lumiere turned around. "Hey Rose. Your brother said he loves you." She turned around. "Tell him I love him too." She said holding her Red heels.

Hey everyone I love this chapter. I don't know why Lol. Anyway Vote and comment. Also check out my other two books. Vote and comment on them too. PEACE:)

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