Rule #21: And At Last I See The Light

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Rule #21: And At Last I See The Light

We finally made it through the winter storm outside into campus grounds. It was a full house, with students laughing, walking in pairs and groups alike.

The lights in the college hall were really dim yet everything was illuminated by some light rays bouncing off a dazzling dress or the disco ball up above. The college had really outdone itself that night, and I had to admit I hadn’t expected it to be this good. There were lights creating snowflakes on the floor, whichever parts weren’t covered by feet, and on the walls as well.

“Wow,” Audrey breathed, echoing my thoughts exactly.

I looped an arm through hers, grinning as I press my lips to the side of her head. She felt my smile in her hair and squinted up at me. “What?”

“Well, at least no one will notice your sneakers in this dark.” Oops, apparently the wrong time to say that based on the glare she gave me. I had no problem seeing that in the dark. However, I was saved from being murdered in the middle of the dance floor when a couple of Audrey’s classmates came up to her, giggling. They were slightly tipsy, but I wasn’t surprised. There were some people here of the legal age here. They dragged her away, and she shot me an apologetic look over her shoulder.

Feeling awkwardly alone in the crowd, my eyes roved over the multitude of heads, hoping to catch sight of someone familiar. Jay was already downing some punch, chatting up some girl, and May was busting some moves on the dance floor. I caught her eye and she smiled at me. Managing to muster a smile back, I decided to go find the one member of our group who I actually needed to talk to.

Cody was standing in a corner chatting with one of our classmates, Jonah. I nodded at them in greeting, and Cody leaned in to say something to Jonah. After a few moments they said their goodbyes and Cody came to stand by me, hands deep in the pockets of his dress pants. “What’s up?”

I took a deep breath. “Audrey, uh, Audrey told me she took your virginity.” There was no other way to say it.

Even in the dark it was easy to see the flush that was rising from Cody’s neck up to his ears, and by the tightening of his hand on his drink I could tell he was more than just embarrassed. “So?” he finally growled out.

I shrugged. “Well, what happened after that? Why’d you end it? Why was she still hung up over you? Why does she think she turned you gay?” The questions kept bubbling out and I couldn’t stop myself. I was glad for the darkness which helped cover both our expressions. “What happened, Cody?”

“Whoa, whoa,” he said, holding his hands up. “One at a time.” He paused, and I waited for him to continue. “Wait, what were the questions again?”

Good lord, what did Audrey ever see in this idiot?


“Oh, wait, no! I remember!” Good. “I might’ve, uh, walked out on her. She probably thought I was using her to get laid.”

My hand twitched. “Were you?”

He was blushing even darker. “No! No, of course not! But I was having second thoughts, and er, I might not have corrected her when it was clear what she thought the reason of our breakup was.”

I just stared at him. Then I spoke, slowly and clearly, enunciating every word. “Cody, I hope you and Ink have a splendid and long affair together, because that was one hell of a dick move. No gay pun intended. Do you know how much she beat herself up over that?”

He scratched the back of his neck. “Right. Uh, I’ll go apologize now or whatever.” He scuttled off in search of my girlfriend.

Girlfriend. Did I have to ask her to be my girlfriend or did her being my date sort of mean the same thing? Goodness, relationships need to come with a manual.

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