Monday, May 1st, 2017, Day 1

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"Tyler, sweetheart, would you mind going to the bank for me? I've kinda got my hands full here", Kelly asked with a hopeful smile on her lips, referring to the younger kids playing in the garden.

Tyler looked up at his mother while she spoke, abandoning his bowl of sugary cereal.

"Sure thing, Mom. After I eat my breakfast, yeah?", Tyler replied casually, fiddling with the spoon in his hand.

"Of course, honey"

A normal day for a normal boy in his normal life. He cant deny, he was really starting to envy those with exciting lives who could do whatever they want to. He needed something different. He needed something to drown him in adrenaline, to make him feel alive. But they're only dreams of a kid with a pitiful existence.

Don't get Tyler wrong, he loved living. He wouldn't give his life up for the world but there was always that empty feeling inside that nothing seemed to fill. It just got boring.

Yes, Tyler had friends. Yes, Tyler had family. Yes, Tyler was financially stable. Yes, Tyler was a good student with good grades but when were things going to change. When will he start really living?


"The code is 8879, right?", Tyler questioned as his mother handed him her fairly old credit card.

"Yes and remember, only take out $250. No more, no less", she reasoned, patting him on the shoulder and leading him towards the front door.

"Okay, got it", was his average reply.

"I love you, drive safe", she smiled, kissing his head.

"I love you too", he said, sincerely.

Tyler grabbed his keys off the wooden desk placed near the door and checked his appearance in the mirror hanging above it. Not that it really mattered, he was just making sure he looked presentable.

Walking down the driveway, he whistled as he unlocked his car and slumped into the drivers seat. It was a sleek black car. It was quite old and worn but it did the job it was meant to do so he wasn't complaining. One of the lights didn't work but that never bothered him though it probably bothered all the other drivers he encountered on the road. Not to mention, his car radio was stolen. What a bummer.

After turning the key a couple times he managed to bring the car to life and proceeded to drive to his destination, slipping the family credit card into his back pocket.

Tyler's eyes scanned through the area outside the bank, desperately searching for a parking spot so he could get this over with. He gave himself a pat on the back when he swerved into a space just mere seconds before a red car had the chance to reverse into it. He chuckled to himself when the young driver flipped him off and started yelling profanities at him. It wasn't his problem. Every man for himself. A small buzz of victory coursed through him.

The tall boy unbuckled his seatbelt and strolled to the entrance. Just as he was about to enter through the sliding glass doors, he stopped.

Something didn't feel right.

All of a sudden, Tyler felt dread wash over him for no apparent reason. He even questioned whether he should go in or not. Ignoring his gut feeling, he allowed the unusual sensation to fly over his head, deciding not to give it a second thought. His mother needed him to do this. What was the worst that could happen, right?

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