Monday, May 1st, 2017, Day 2

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Tyler awoke with a start.

He gasped and shot out of bed, accidentally knocking over his nightstand along with his still ringing alarm clock. It was 8 am.

Confused, he fixed his mess and reached for his iPhone and gingerly unlocked it. The date.

Monday, May 1st, 2017.

Tyler's hands began to shake and he went over the memories in his head. It all seemed so real. The visit, the raid, the guns, the deaths, the pain. Josh.

Yesterday was Monday. Today should be Tuesday. Today should be May 2nd. Yesterday was May 1st. Yesterday... didn't exist?

It was a dream.

Tyler couldn't shake the uneasy feeling still lingering within him. It all seemed way too real to be a dream.

What if I predicted the future?

Tyler groaned as all the thoughts and possible answers took over his mind. It was all impossible. Nonsensical.

He stood up, grabbed a change of clothes and a couple towels and proceeded to take a long, hot shower to melt away all the nausea.

Tyler sighed in relief when the water pounded against his skin and relaxed all the tension gathering in his muscles.

It was all just a strange coincidence.


Tyler hopped out of the shower and used the towels to dry himself off. He also used them to wipe the fogged up mirror. The brown eyed boy jumped back in shock when he noticed a red circle on his temple. Almost a bruise but not quite.

Just a coincidence. Just a coincidence.


"Tyler, sweetheart, would you mind going to the bank for me? I've kinda got my hands full here", Kelly asked with a hopeful smile on her lips, referring to the younger kids playing in the garden.

Tyler looked up at his mother while she spoke, abandoning his bowl of sugary cereal.

He froze and his face fell, accidentally dropping the steel spoon into the chocolatey milk in the bowl.

"I, em, I think-", Tyler stalled, fumbling over his words. Tyler didn't want to go. He was afraid his dream would come true, that he actually predicted the future. His future.

Go, Tyler. Just to prove to yourself that you're overreacting.

Not wanting to disappoint his mother and wanting to prove a point, he gulped and nodded his head, shooting her a forced smile.


"Great! Thank you, love", she praised, patting his head lightly.


"The code is-", Kelly began while she set the card down in Tyler's palm.

"8879", Tyler finished looking up at her in disbelief.

"Yes and remember, only take out $250. No more, no less", she reasoned, patting him on the shoulder and leading him towards the front door.

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