Monday, May 1st, 2017, Day 5

32 4 7

"Tyler, sweetheart, would you mind going to the bank for me? I've kinda got my hands full here", Kelly asked with a hopeful smile on her lips, referring to the younger kids playing in the garden.

He hummed a simple response and shot up, grabbing everything he needed. Tyler had decided that today he would speak to the yellow haired boy but he needed to be faster so he could get there quicker and could talk to the boy for a longer period of time.

"What's the rush, Tyler?", she questioned softly.

Tyler disregarded the question and instead picked up his pace.

"How much and what's the pin?", Tyler asked, quickly as he made his way towards the wooden door in the hallway. Of course, he already knew the answer but he couldn't act suspicious, he just needed to hurry up without any questions asked.

"$250. No more, no less. The pin is 8879. Drive safe!", Kelly called to her son as he sprinted out the door at the speed of light.

Then Tyler remembered a lot of his time was taken up finding a parking space. He ran straight past his car and bounded down the sidewalk, running as fast as his legs could carry him.

The drive to the bank took five minutes. If Tyler was walking, it would take 10. With Tyler running at the speed he was, he would reach the bank at approximately 9:18 AM, as it was 9:15 AM now. He was almost there.

His lungs burned as he tried his best to keep breathing but the sudden exercise he sprung upon himself was making it difficult to maintain his short, quick breaths which made them even more strained.

As the bank came into view, Tyler felt himself sprinting faster if that was even possible. He rushed up the grand steps and entered the building in record time. He dismissed the familiar feeling of dread, as he always did.


He spotted the shorter boy with the colourful hair picking at his nails and occasionally sighing as he waited in the line.

Not daring to waste even a second of time, Tyler approached him with speed. Josh noticed this too as he cocked a brow at the boy and had an amused smirk on his face.

"How do you know my name?", Tyler questioned through struggled pants as he was very out of breath.

"Excuse me?", Josh asked with slight amusement lacing his tone. Tyler had no patience for stalling and he didn't have any time for games.

"5 days ago, when I got shot for the first time, you knew my name when I clearly remember not telling you, or anyone here for that matter. How did you know?", Tyler said. He then realised that maybe Josh was like his mother and everyone else. What if Josh thinks he's a lunatic and has no idea what he's talking about? Maybe he didn't remember and possibly isn't living everyday on repeat like Tyler. He would be mortified if that was the case. He'd just seem crazy.

"You're cute when you're angry", Josh chuckled which caused Tyler to huff in frustration and narrow his eyes. In any other circumstances he would have accepted the compliment, if you could call it that, but not when he's really confused and they're both mere minutes away from death. He did appreciate it though, in a way.

"Answer me, Josh", Tyler demanded, crossing his arms over his chest in an assertive and accusing manner.

Josh couldn't fight the grin that arose when he saw this. He also couldn't tame the butterflies in his stomach knowing that Tyler remembered his name. After spending 17 days of his life being near this boy, it's safe to say Josh had developed a crush. He couldn't help it, it was hard to not feel that way about him. And even though Josh watched Tyler die for 17 days, it still stings.

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