Monday, May 1st, 2017, Day 4

38 4 2

"Tyler, sweetheart, would you mind going to the bank for me? I've kinda got my hands full here", Kelly asked with a hopeful smile on her lips, referring to the younger kids playing in the garden.

Tyler blinked his eyes rapidly, a useless attempt at trying to shake away the images. He was never going to get used to the feeling of dying. Or waking up after dying. It's a very strange concept.

Tyler, now, had two options.

1. Go to the bank and die again.
2. Stay home and not die.

He decided to test out the latter. It seemed easy. Too easy. With his luck, he'd just continue reliving the Monday and he had a sinking feeling that was true. He had to try.

"I'm not feeling so good. Would you mind if I go back to bed?", Tyler pleaded, giving his best puppy dog eyes even though he already knew his mother would agree.

"Sure, honey. What the matter?", she sulked, resting her hand on her son's shoulder.

"Migraine", he stated flatly. It wasn't a total lie. His brain was definitely hurting with all the weird occurrences happening just not in the way he said it was.

Kelly gave him an unconvinced look but allowed him to go back up to his room anyway. Tyler happily marched up to his room and flopped down on his bed.

He was exhausted. It felt like he hadn't got a wink of sleep in days. Maybe he hasn't. He honestly didn't know at this point.

Tyler felt slightly guilty. He just left Josh to fend for himself. He hoped that he'd wake up in the morning with it being Tuesday and that Josh would miraculously survive the shooting.

Fingers crossed, right?

That got him thinking about the first day that things seemed off. Even though the memories are sorta fuzzy, he specifically remembered Josh saying his name. He also recalled not ever telling Josh his name. They had never spoken before.

How? How? How?

Tyler wasn't wearing a uniform with a name tag, he didn't openly tell his name to anyone that day and he didn't have a clue why the yellow haired guy cared. He kept insisting that Tyler keep his eyes open.

What does this mean?

Curiosity was really getting the better of him. He mildly regretted not running that errand for his mom. Key word: mildly. For all he knew, today could be his final day in this loop and that would mean if he went he would have surely died and stayed dead. He was not taking any chances.

He grabbed the remote off of his nightstand and pressed the button to turn the TV on. He needed a distraction.

Flicking through the channels, he stopped on one that made his blood run cold.

Breaking New: Bank Robbery Turns Violent

It began to then talk about the crime with a news reporter standing right outside the bank, informing all those watching of the catastrophe.

"Today, the most gruesome shooting to ever happen in this town, took place."

Tyler cringed at the word 'gruesome'.

"Three disguised figures stormed into the facility and they demanded that everybody's valuables and all the bank's money were to be handed over. Unsatisfied with the amount, one man opened fire. This created havoc among the hostages who tried everything they could to escape. Those who have lost their lives today were truly heroic till the end. The trio have not been identified"

Tyler continued to watch with his mouth hung agape as the words :"13 dead and 51 injured" flashed across the screen.

Images of the identified deceased were being displayed. One by one, the hope inside Tyler grew and grew but his heart fell and his face dropped when he saw a photo of a boy with brightly coloured yellow hair appear on screen.

You should have gone. You could've saved him.

There was no guarantee that I could've saved him. Why is it such a big deal anyway? I saved myself and that's what matters...right?

I beg to differ. You didn't go because you are a coward.

Am not. I wasn't scared.

Oh really? Your true intentions state otherwise.

Soon enough, sad tears started rolling down his tanned face. He didn't even notice. He had no idea why this effected him so much. He didn't even know the guy!

He bundled himself in blankets and pillows until sleep captured him.

He hoped he still had another chance.

Though tomorrow can't be promised.

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