Monday, May 1st, 2017, Day 3

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"Tyler, sweetheart, would you mind going to the bank for me? I've kinda got my hands full here", Kelly asked with a hopeful smile on her lips, referring to the younger kids playing in the garden.

Tyler looked up at his mother while she spoke, abandoning his bowl of sugary cereal.

"What? W-what just happened!?", Tyler gasped, hands flying up to clutch his heart. His head thundered with recent memories making a migraine.

"What do you mean, honey?", his mom asked, eyebrows knitting together in concern. "Are you alright?"

"Em-", he stalled while trying to carefully choose his words. This is too weird. These aren't dreams. This needs to stop.

"What day is it?", Tyler asked.

"Monday of course! May 1st. Why'd you ask?", the woman smiled.

Then Tyler thought of something. Maybe if he didn't go to the bank, tomorrow would be Tuesday and things will return to normal.

But what about Josh?

I don't know Josh and Josh doesn't know me. It's none of my business.

But what if he dies? It'd be on your hands, man. You could've saved him.

I'm sure he can take care of himself.

He almost got shot last time.

Yeah well, I'd prefer to stay alive than to risk my own life for some dude I don't know. And why should I listen to you? You almost got me killed.

... selfish.

What did you just call me?


You know what? Fine. I'll go.

"And yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out", Tyler lied, flashing a false yet convincing smile. "And sure I'll go"

"Are you sure, sweetie? You don't seem so-", Kelly started but was cut off.

"Yeah, mom, I'm fine. It's fine. Everything is just fine!", Tyler laughed manically.

"Tyler I think you should take a rest-", she stated, growing increasingly worried.

"Got to go, see ya, bye", he cheered, snatching the keys, grabbing the card and bolting towards the door, without giving himself a once-over.

"Wait, Tyler! You don't even know-", Kelly tried reasoning, calling for her son as she made her way towards the door after him.

"$250. No more, no less", he answered, already half way down the driveway.

"The code is-", she tried again.

"8879. Yep. Gotcha", he announced, flinging his body into the car, shutting the door and igniting the engine.

Kelly stood at the door, watching, absolutely dumbfounded, as her son sped off down the road.


Same red car, same space, same bank.

The phrase "same shit, different day" has ultimately applied to his life.

He leaped out of his car and bounded towards the bank entrance. That familiar feeling of dread didn't fail to engulf him but Tyler just scoffed.

Then an idea sprouted.

What if he just stayed outside the bank and called the police beforehand?

Wow, Tyler. You are an absolute genius.

Thanks, I know.

He reached for his phone in his back pocket and quickly dialled 911. He already knew what was about to commence.

He was so preoccupied with the call that he failed to see the large white van stopping right in front of the building. This also meant he didn't notice the three black figures bounding towards him until it was too late.

The smallest of the three raised her weapon and shot a single bullet right through Tyler, leaving him speechless and bleeding. The phone fell to the floor, the operator still trying to talk to him.

He fell to the pavement, mere inches from the grand steps that led you to the wide, glass doors. He bled out, surrounded in the red liquid.

As the trio passed, one of them kicked Tyler which sent him toppling down the concrete steps. He bashed his head off of the stone so many times that he couldn't begin to comprehend how much damage had been done.

Blurring vision and drowned out hearing. That was it.

Tyler used all his strength to look around him and it was clear that red was the only colour present. He had never seen so much blood.

The edges of his vision burned a vibrant red until the black overcame everything else.

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