Monday, May 1st, 2017, Day 7

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"Tyler, sweetheart, would you mind going to the bank for me? I've kinda got my hands full here", Kelly asked with a hopeful smile on her lips, referring to the younger kids playing in the garden.

As soon as Tyler's eyes opened and he regained his composure, he shot up and grabbed his car keys from the wooden table in front of him. He completely ignored his mother's request and questions about where the hell he was going and what the rush was.

He had no time to talk.

"Tyler, what the hell are you doing? Hello? Tyler! Answer me!", his mother pestered, following closely behind her son who was exiting the house so fast it was as if his life depended on it. In a way, it did. Of course his mother didn't know that though.

"I'll explain someday", he snapped, leaving the woman confused and speechless as she watched her eldest son enter his vehicle and drive off in a rush.

Tyler gripped his stirring wheel as he accelerated. He did not care about law or consequences in that moment. It felt like no time at all had passed by the time he reached his destination. That was probably due to how fast he moved since regaining consciousness. He abandoned his car and bounded into the bank he despised so much.

As usual, he was greeted with the same mop of neon hair. Josh was already staring at the doors waiting for Tyler's arrival so when he came rushing through the entrance Josh was already on his was to get to him. They met in the middle of the building and Tyler grabbed Josh into a hug. Josh accepted the embrace.

"Don't you dare die on me again, you asshole", Tyler hissed as he slapped him upside the head.

"That's easier said than done", Josh mumbled while rubbing his head trying to soothe the sudden pain inflicted on him. "I could say the same for you"

"Okay listen, how are we gonna get out of this mess?! I can't keep living like this! There's only so many times I can be shot before it gets annoying", Tyler huffed in frustration, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What would happen if we both didn't come? Maybe tomorrow we can meet up around this time and see what happens?", Josh questioned.

Tyler thought about it and nodded.

"I don't think it will work but we can try. I have a feeling the loop won't stop until the problem is resolved", he added.

"We can talk about that tomorrow, there has to be some way out, some back door, some loop hole", Josh stated, words decreasing in volume as the sentence progressed.

"Yeah. Maybe if-"

Tyler's words were cut off by the sound of glass shattering and gunshots.

"Here we go again", the yellow haired boy grumbled, dragging Tyler to the floor by his shoulders.

The three figures dressed in black, complete with weapons, barged in and aimed the guns at every person they laid eyes on. They spit out their demands and orders as per usual.

Tyler found himself not even listening anymore. He just screwed his eyes shut and covered his ears with Josh by his side.

So when Tyler could no longer feel Josh's presence on his left side he instantly snapped his head up and opened his eyes. He definitely didn't expect any conflict considering they were obeying their rules.

Josh was now on the floor a few feet away staring up at the predator with a cold, hard gaze. The look was returned by the dark haired man in black.

"I won't do it", the older boy spat, stare still deadly. "I'm not shooting her"

Tyler was lost. What had happened?

"You will", B growled.

When the former still refused to do anything, B kicked him hard in the side. That was followed by plenty more kicks and shoves.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

The masked man's head shot up and turned to Tyler and glared at him menacingly.

"You got a problem, kid?", the tall man sneered.

"Yes. Actually I do", Tyler said calmly, anger was noticeable in his tone though. He slowly rose from his position on the ground.

He took long strides towards the man, keeping his cool, even when the gun was raised and pointed at him.

"Don't move any closer unless you want your brains blown out"

The whole building was eerily quiet as the people studied this exchange with watchful eyes.

"Tyler, please sit back down. I don't want you getting hurt", Josh pleaded as he attempted to catch his breath. The kick to the ribs winded him.

"Shut up you", B snarled, shooting a single bullet into Josh's leg to stop him from speaking and moving. Josh grunted and fell backwards, applying pressure to the bleeding wound as best he could.

Tyler ran towards Josh to help him but just as he got to the bleeding boy's side, a hard object pierced through his neck resulting in him falling to the floor beside Josh.

"Oh for fuck's sake" were Tyler's last words before he blacked out.

Josh reached over and grabbed Tyler's hand as he watched the boy go limp. It was a comforting gesture like a way to say "see you tomorrow" without using words.

The neon yellow haired teen felt himself get dizzy and weak. He was bleeding to death. Great. Just great.

Well, he wanted it to be over quicker so he shouted "you fucking coward" at the man standing over him.

The cool metal hit him in the chest and Josh lost consciousness.

There's around 2-3 chapters left 
I'm sorry I haven't updated in like foreverrrrr but hey here's something to read

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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